Bill O'Reilly
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
1. Dallas cop-killer Micah Johnson, who served in the Army Reserves, was sent home from Afghanistan after being accused of what?
2. What was Johnson's military specialty?
3. The Democratic Party platform, which will be adopted at the national convention, calls for what?
4. Only three Democratic Senators voted to support Kate's Law last week. What do they have in common?
5. Dallas Police Chief David Brown, who has impressed many with his leadership, lost his own son to gun violence. David Brown Jr. was shot and killed by whom?
6. When FBI Director James Comey delineated Hillary Clinton's misdeeds last Tuesday, he used what term to describe her behavior?
7. Retired 3-star General Michael Flynn, who has been mentioned as a Republican VP prospect, has a major difference with Donald Trump over which issue?
8. North Korea has made it a crime punishable by death. What?
9. The group Black Lives Matter, some of whose members have engaged in vile anti-cop rhetoric, was formed in the aftermath of whose death?
10. Victor Barrio died last weekend while participating in which of the following?

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