Bill O'Reilly
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
1. Donald Trump flipped numerous states that Barack Obama had carried in 2012. Which is not among them?
2. In which state did Donald Trump win every single county, all 77 of them?
3. Of the major polls, which one predicted a Donald Trump victory?
4. Republican Party boss Reince Priebus, tapped to be Donald Trump's White House chief of staff, once held which political office?
5. Meanwhile, newly named chief strategist Steve Bannon ran which ultra-conservative website?
6. Melania Trump will be the first First Lady born outside the USA since Louisa Adams, wife of John Quincy Adams. In which nation was Mrs. Trump born?
7. Last week Secretary of State John Kerry made an unusual visit where?
8. During Tuesday's rout the Republican Party won control of which state legislature for the first time in nearly a century?
9. Who proudly announced that he or she did not vote last week?
10. Of the many celebrities who vowed to leave the country if Donald Trump won the election, which one is actually departing?

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