Bill O'Reilly
Week of 11/24
1. Which Democratic Senator vocally disagreed with President Obama's decision to take executive action on immigration?
2. Senator Mary Landrieu convinced 14 of her fellow Democrats to vote in favor of the Keystone Pipeline. Who was on her side?
3. In addition to his about-face on immigration, President Obama has quietly changed his position on what major issue?
4. How many people sat on the grand jury that decided whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown?
5. A new survey lists America's 10 most violent large cities. Which of the following is not among them?
6. The African nation of The Gambia, which is 90% Islamic, has enacted a law calling for life imprisonment for what?
7. Which Democrat has formed a presidential exploration committee, the first step toward officially becoming a candidate?
8. Former Washington Mayor Marion Barry, who died Sunday at age 78, was convicted of what crime in 1990?
9. Jason Collins has retired from the National Basketball Association. Why is he significant in league history?
10. The Oxford Dictionaries has chosen "vape" as its word of the year. What does "vape" have to do with?

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