Bill O'Reilly
Quiz Yourself on the Latest News
1. Belgium, a hub of terrorist activity, has about 600,000 Muslims, or 6% of the country's population. The largest number come from which 'moderate' Islamic nation?
2. On the subject of terror, which candidate was widely mocked in 2012 for warning about the growing danger of terrorism in Mali?
3. Which state is among those that will welcome refugees from Syria?
4. The USA has released Jonathan Pollard, who spent thirty years in prison after being convicted of spying for which nation?
5. Meanwhile, which nation has convicted Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian for spying?
6. After more than 20 years of deliberation and stalling, the Food and Drug Administration has approved salmon that is what?
7. For the first time in 12 years, a deep Southern state elected a Democratic governor last week. Which?
8. Taking campus madness to new heights, students at Occidental College are demanding that campus safety officers stop what?
9. President Obama has suggested that he will make what the highest priority of his final year in office?
10. After Sunday's games, which team stood atop the league with a perfect 15 - 0 record?

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