Bill O'Reilly
Week of 9/29
1. Some Muslim nations have joined the U.S.-led coalition to fight ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Which of the following is not among them?
2. Attorney General Eric Holder, who has announced his retirement, was held in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents in which investigation?
3. Who is Jah'Keem Yisrael?
4. The philanthropic Rockefeller Brothers Fund, with $1-billion in assets, is pulling all of its investments from what industry?
5. Which Republican presidential prospect won the straw poll at last weekend's ultra-conservative Values Voters Summit?
6. The Pentagon has changed its rules and will now allow whom to enlist in the military?
7. Which well-known scientist has been caught fabricating facts and quotations?
8. Flamboyant former Congressman James Traficant, who died last week, had what distinction?
9. A new Gallup poll, like many previous surveys, ranks this state as the "happiest" in the USA. Which?
10. Kira Kazantsev has admitted that she was kicked out of her college sorority for hazing younger students. Who is she?

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