Bill O'Reilly
Quiz Yourself on Great American Political Figure Colin Powell
1. From January 20, 2001 to January 26, 2005, Colin Powell served in what position as part of George W. Bush's cabinet?
2. Powell was born April 5, 1937 in the Harlem neighborhood of what city?
3. Powell served in what position during the Reagan administration?
4. Powell served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest-ranking and senior-most military officer in the U.S. Armed Forces, during which two presidential administrations?
5. What is the highest rank that Powell achieved in the United States Army?
6. Which of the following is not one of Powell's 13 points of leadership?
7. The "Powell Doctrine" is a journalist-created term named after Powell in the prelude to what conflict?
8. Which of the following is a question from the Powell Doctrine?
9. In warning President George W. Bush on the consequences of invading Iraq in 2002, Powell cited the "you break it, you buy it" policy named after what home furnishing store?
10. Early in Powell's military career, he met what rock star while stationed in West Germany?

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Test your knowledge of great American political figure Colin Powell, born April 5, 1937.

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