Bill O'Reilly
Quiz: Legends & Lies Episode 6 - Nathan Hale and Benedict Arnold
1. Patriot Nathan Hale was hanged for what on September 22, 1776?
2. What disguise did Nathan Hale use?
3. Hale was caught spying on which British general?
4. Benjamin Tallmadge is believed to have been a member of what spy group?
5. On September 21, 1780, General Benedict Arnold met with British Major John Andre to discuss handing over what to the British?
6. Who is believed to have helped Arnold and Andre conspire?
7. Before the name Benedict Arnold became synonymous with traitor, he had proven himself a bold leader in what 1775 battle?
8. A monument to what part of Benedict Arnold sits on the site of the Battle of Saratoga?
9. Arnold was caught in his plot with the British when Major John Andre was captured. Where on Andre did the Americans find incriminating documents regarding Arnold?
10. Benedict Arnold escaped on a ship named what?

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Patriot Nathan Hale was hanged for what on September 22, 1776?

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