Bill O'Reilly
Test Your Knowledge of Samuel Morse & the Telegraph
1. Samuel Morse sent the first telegraphic message on May 24, 1844. What Bible verse did he reference?
2. While the inventor of the telegraph, Morse also contributed to what field?
3. Morse was a professor at what university when he invented Morse Code?
4. When was the battery invented?
5. The completion of what changed the world of communications in 1861?
6. Many inventors contributed to making the telegraph successful, including what man whose name is eponymous with a university?
7. What event made the telegraph indispensable?
8. Which Confederate general's forces got tangled in telegraph wires and ended up losing an attack?
9. The telegraph was used by which president to revolutionize the office?
10. When was the first telegraph cable placed on the floor of the Atlantic?

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Samuel Morse sent the first telegraphic message on May 24, 1844. What Bible verse did he reference?

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