Bill O'Reilly
Quiz: The History Behind Memorial Day
1. Memorial Day, celebrated the last Monday in May, was formerly known as what?
2. After which war did citizens begin to informally celebrate Memorial Day?
3. The first Memorial Day (although called by a different name at the time) was organized by General John Logan and observed in Arlington National Cemetery in which year?
4. Memorial Day became a day to honor all of those had died in U.S. wars after which conflict?
5. Memorial Day originally took place on May 30. In what year did it become a federal holiday celebrated on the last Monday of May?
6. Which future president made a speech on the first Memorial Day?
7. By 1890, the states that had fought for the Union had made Memorial Day an official holiday. In the South, some states honored their Civil War dead on different on two different anniversaries. Which days were these?
8. Unofficially, and less somberly, Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of what?
9. Memorial Day is observed formally by laying a wreath where?
10. Which president signed the National Moment of Remembrance Act which designates 3 p.m. local time as a moment of silence on Memorial Day?

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Memorial Day, celebrated the last Monday in May, was formerly known as what?