Bill O'Reilly
Black History Month Quiz
1. Every president has declared February Black History Month since what year?
2. In February, Americans have long celebrated the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and what prominent black abolitionist?
3. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded on the 100th celebration of whose birthday?
4. Who was the first African American to be appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court?
5. A botanist and an inventor, George Washington Carver is best known for his work with what plant?
6. What was the name given to the group of African American fighter pilots during World War II?
7. What was the nickname given to the African American cavalry units that fought in the Indian wars of the late nineteenth century?
8. What movie depicts the valiant 1863 charge of the 54th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, an all black unit during the Civil War?
9. Nearly 1 in 4 cowboys were black, including the basis for which famous pistoleer?
10. What is the name of the important African American artistic movement in New York City in from roughly 1918-1939?

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In February, Americans have long celebrated the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and what prominent black abolitionist?

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