Bill O'Reilly
The Oregon Territory
1. Oregon became the 33rd state on February 14th of what year?
2. In the 1830s, the United States started to settle the area jointly with what country?
3. After expansionists called for sole U.S. ownership of Oregon Territory, which president campaigned under the slogan, "Fifty-four forty or fight"?
4. The Oregon Trail ended in Oregon City, Oregon. Where did it begin?
5. In 1810, the first American-owned settlement on the Pacific coast was started by which American entrepreneur?
6. At 1,943 feet deep, what is the deepest lake in the United States?
7. The tallest peak in Oregon is named after which British admiral?
8. What shoe company logo was invented by a Portland State University student in 1964?
9. Due to a large demand in furs during the early years, Oregon is known as what state?
10. Oregon was one of the earliest states to impose what kind of tax?

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This week in history, Oregon joined the union after much dispute over the Pacific Northwest land. Take the quiz and learn about the state, the territory, the trail, and more.