Bill O'Reilly
Seventh GOP Debate Quiz
1. Donald Trump boycotted the Fox News debate, objecting to which moderator?
2. Instead of participating in the debate, Trump held a rally to raise money for what?
3. Which candidate joked that Trump has been "a little teddy bear" to him?
4. Which candidate recited the preamble of the Constitution in his closing remarks?
5. Which candidate returned to the prime time debate after spending the previous debate on the undercard stage?
6. When asked about Time Magazine's cover proclaiming him a Republican savior, which candidate said: "There is only one savior and it's not me?"
7. Chris Christie promised not to let which person within 10 miles of the White House?
8. Which candidate, sparring with the debate moderators, threatened to leave the stage?
9. The two Florida Republicans, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, clashed over which issue?
10. Which Silicon Valley company co-hosted the debate with Fox News?

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Seven candidates participated in the seventh GOP debate in Des Moines just days before the Iowa caucus. How closely did you follow the action?