Bill O'Reilly
Quiz: Trump and Clinton Answer Veterans in Town Hall
1. Where was the event held?
2. Trump praised the leadership skills of which person during the town hall?
3. About a third of the time spent with Clinton was on questions about which topic?
4. Which one of Trump's children has accused Clinton of wearing an earpiece during the forum?
5. Clinton pointed out that Trump had expressed initial support for the Iraq invasion during an interview with which person?
6. In addition to Iraq, Clinton pledged not to send ground troops to which country?
7. Trump says he will ask his generals for a plan to defeat ISIS within how many days of taking office?
8. Where is the first presidential debate being held later this month?
9. The morning after the forum, Clinton held a news conference. When was the last time she held one?
10. Which former governor told Yahoo News he would win the presidency if he ran against Clinton and Trump?

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Both presidential contenders, appearing separately, answered questions from military veterans in a town hall forum. How closely have you been following the story?