Bill O'Reilly
Quiz: Trump Makes Good on Campaign Promises
1. The President signed an order to revive the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline, which will carry oil from which Canadian province to the Gulf Coast?
2. At which agency did the President order a media blackout and temporary suspension of business activities?
3. Which president first created the Mexico City Policy stopping federal funding for international groups that perform abortions?
4. The Trump administration says it will pay for construction of a border wall by imposing how much of a tax on imports from Mexico?
5. On the heels of Trump's vow to withhold federal funding for sanctuary cities, the mayor of which city ordered law enforcement to cooperate with immigration authorities?
6. Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade deal compromised of how many total nations?
7. Trump plans to stop all refugee admissions into the U.S. for 120 days and suspend admissions from which county indefinitely?
8. When questioned about how his speech at the CIA was received, President Trump said he got a standing ovation akin to which athlete?
9. During his confirmation hearings, CIA chief Mike Pompeo was asked by which Senator if he would restart enhanced interrogation techniques at Trump's directive?
10. President Trump held his first meeting with a foreign leader this week, from which country?

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President Trump's first week in office has dominated the headlines, as he has made good on many of the promises he made to voters during his campaign. How closely have you been following the story?