Bill O'Reilly
Quiz: President Trump's Busy Week
1. During his pre-Super Bowl chat with your humble correspondent, Trump called which state "out of control?"
2. When the Kremlin demanded an apology for O'Reilly's categorization of Vladimir Putin as a "killer," your humble correspondent bristled and suggested they check back for that apology in which year?
3. A letter written by Coretta Scott King has surfaced where she voices her opposition to which Trump nominee receiving a federal judgeship in the 80s?
4. Which Republican Senator called for a vote to rebuke his Democratic colleague Elizabeth Warren for impugning the character of Jeff Sessions?
5. Prior to Mike Pence casting the deciding vote to confirm Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, when was the last time a Vice President served as tie breaker on a cabinet confirmation?
6. President Trump took to Twitter to call out John McCain for suggesting a military raid against al Qaeda in which county was not successful?
7. Which two Democratic Senators was Neil Gorsuch meeting with when he reportedly condemned some of the President's comments about the judiciary?
8. President Trump chastised which retailer for playing politics and discontinuing sales of his daughter Ivanka's clothing line?
9. A judge on the Ninth Circuit District Court issued a restraining order against Trump's Muslim immigration order. Where is this court located?
10. Which Native American tribe is involved in the conflict over the Dakota Access Pipeline?

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President Trump started his busy week with a no spin interview. How closely have you been following the story?