Bill O'Reilly
Quiz: President Trump Rescinds DACA
1. What does DACA stand for?
2. How many illegal immigrants are in the program?
3. What term is often used to refer to the adults who came to the U.S. illegally who are now allowed to legally reside here?
4. Which Trump administration official announced the rescinding of DACA?
5. In what year did the Obama administration put DACA in place?
6. What is the biggest country of origin among accepted applicants?
7. The President reportedly tweeted assurances to DACA recipients this week at the request of whom?
8. Led by which state, 10 conservative attorneys general recently pressured Trump to end DACA?
9. Which Silicon Valley company vowed to be the first to continue to employ Dreamers after their work visas expire?
10. Who recently said the Catholic Church supports DACA because it has an "economic interest in unlimited immigration?"

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President Trump rescinded an Obama-era immigration program called DACA. How closely have you been following the story?