Bill O'Reilly
How Well Do You Know Montana?
1. President Lincoln created the Territory of Montana on May 26, in what year?
2. How many federally recognized Native American tribes are there in Montana?
3. Who were the first explorers from the United States to document their journey through Montana?
4. What town is the earliest surviving trade post?
5. The discovery of what prompted the creation of the Montana Territory?
6. Who did the Sioux and Cheyenne defeat at Little Bighorn?
7. Which Native American leader surrendered in the Bear Paw Mountains of Montana?
8. Due to its rich mineral wealth, Montana is known by what sobriquet?
9. Discovery of what resource led to Butte earning the nick name the "Richest Hill on Earth?"
10. What is the first national park in the United States?

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President Lincoln created the Territory of Montana on May 26, in what year?

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