Bill O'Reilly
Quiz: Fallout from the Conventions
1. A Vietnam War veteran who supports Trump gifted the candidate with which military medal, which he had earned in combat?
2. VP pick Mike Pence broke with Trump (for a while) in endorsing which Congressional candidate for re-election?
3. Campaigning with Clinton, which billionaire knocked Trump's business dealings in Atlantic City?
4. Which name did Trump float as a potential cabinet member when asked by a reporter if there would be a woman on his team?
5. During a campaign speech in Florida, Trump made headlines for calling his opponent the founder of which organization?
6. Meg Whitman, the CEO of which company, threw her support behind Clinton even though she ran for California governor as a Republican?
7. Some in the mainstream media are questioning whether Melania Trump immigrated to the U.S. legally from which country?
8. Who is acting as the interim DNC chairperson following a series of resignations in the wake of the leak scandal?
9. What percentage of Americans voted for either Trump or Clinton in the primaries?
10. A parade float in which state caused controversy for depicting Hillary Clinton behind bars?

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The presidential campaign heats up after both candidates become official nominees of their prospective parties at the conventions. How closely have you been following the story?