Bill O'Reilly
Quiz Yourself on 15th U.S. President James Buchanan
1. Buchanan is the only U.S. president from what state?
2. In whose presidential administration did Buchanan NOT serve?
3. Buchanan belonged to what political party?
4. Buchanan remains the only president to do what in his life?
5. Buchanan earned the nickname "Do-Nothing President" for his inability to prevent what event?
6. Who served as Buchanan's Vice President?
7. Buchanan's presidency lasted from from 1857-1861. Which event happened during this time?
8. Buchanan is the last president to have previously served in what cabinet position?
9. As a Private in the militia, Buchanan fought in the Defense of Baltimore, a battle of what war?
10. In a 2017 C-SPAN survey of presidential historians, Abraham Lincoln came in as the #1 ranked president in a ranking of all 43 different presidents. Buchanan was ranked in what position?

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Test your knowledge of 15th U.S. President, James Buchanan, born April 23, 1791.

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