Bill O'Reilly
Test Your Knowledge of President Chester A. Arthur
1. Chester A. Arthur became president on September 20, 1881, making him what president?
2. What happened to President Garfield, the winner of the 1880 election, that enabled Arthur to become president?
3. President Arthur was the first person to be elected president from what state?
4. Arthur's father believe in what pre-Civil War doctrine?
5. Arthur supported what act that sought to curb cronyism?
6. Who did President Arthur hire to redecorate the White House state rooms?
7. Arthur took the first steps toward modernizing the navy, earning him what nickname?
8. What office remained empty during Arthur's presidency?
9. Arthur held what important transportation position in New York?
10. President Arthur installed the first what in the White House?

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Chester A. Arthur became president on September 20, 1881, making him what president?

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