Bill O'Reilly
Week of 7/30
1. The boss of which struggling media organization has announced his resignation?
2. White House spokesman Jay Carney flat-out refused to answer what question last week?
3. Former astronaut Sally Ride, who died last week at age 61, still holds which distinction?
4. Some American farmers took umbrage last week when the Department of Agriculture advised its employees to consume less of what?
5. Of metropolises classified as "global cities," which has the highest murder rate?
6. Which mayor has stood up for Chick-fil-A, which is under fire because the chain's president is opposed to same-sex marriage?
7. 29-year-old hurdler Lolo Jones, generally considered one of the most attractive U.S. Olympians, has identified herself as what?
8. Which nation's leader announced his marriage last week?
9. Japanese women led the world in a certain category for many years, but no longer. What is it?
10. Which political daughter will compete in the next "Dancing with the Stars?"

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