Bill O'Reilly
Week of 10/08
1. Which liberal Democrat was nearly alone in declaring that Barack Obama won last week's presidential debate?
2. While the first debate focused on the economy, what word was never used by either candidate?
3. A pro-Obama group has produced a TV ad featuring a man who is Mitt Romney's what?
4. President Obama boarded Air Force One Sunday to meet with some his most loyal supporters at a high-priced fundraiser. Where?
5. The official unemployment rate has dropped to 7.8%, the lowest since which year?
6. On a related issue, the government has announced that in fiscal year 2012 it spent $1.1 trillion more than it took in. When was the most recent sub $1-trillion budget deficit?
7. Which business leader accused the Obama administration of manipulating the jobs numbers to get the rate under 8%?
8. The currency has collapsed and hyper-inflation has struck, with prices rising more than 50% a month. Which nation is suffering those economic woes?
9. Next year's Academy Awards will be hosted by Seth MacFarlane, the creative force behind a show laced with vulgarity and scatological humor. What show is it?
10. To end this week's quiz with the equivalent of a tap-in putt, on what did Al Gore blame Barack Obama's poor debate performance?

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