Bill O'Reilly
Week of 01/07
1. Which former Congressman is begging for a temporary appointment to the United States Senate?
2. Who is not among the regular hosts on Current TV, the little-watched cable network sold by Al Gore and his partners to Al Jazeera?
3. Al Jazeera is owned by which Arabian Peninsula nation?
4. Nearly every U.S. worker is receiving a smaller paycheck this year because of which tax?
5. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie excoriated his fellow Republican, Speaker John Boehner, over what issue?
6. Which South American nation is demanding that Britain return the Falkland Islands?
7. Which South American nation, for the fifth consecutive year, has been ranked as the best place for an American to retire?
8. "He's the one" who would have celebrated his 100th birthday this week. Who?
9. What is the approximate cost of a :30 second commercial spot during next month's Super Bowl?
10. Which famous American brand was sold last week?

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