Bill O'Reilly
Trump and Women
1. According to the NY Times article, Trump was given which title in his high school yearbook?
2. Trump reportedly regrets giving which of his wives a role in his business?
3. A former Miss USA contestant from which state is quoted as saying Trump kissed her on the lips when they first met?
4. Which of these women defended Trump after the article came out by saying "he's not a groper?"
5. During an interview with whom this week did Trump himself call the NY Times article a "con job?"
6. Trump has been praised for hiring a female chief of which department in his real estate empire?
7. This week, Trump's campaign released a shortlist consisting of 11 possible Supreme Court picks. How many are women?
8. What is the name of the Super PAC that has put out an ad with women lip synching some of Trump's most controversial comments?
9. In 2012, what percentage of the presidential vote was comprised of women?
10. In which year did women voters last break for a Republican presidential nominee?

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A damning article in the New York Times tried to call into question Donald Trump's treatment of women, but the presumptive Republican presidential nominee insists the world misunderstands his relationship with women.

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