Bill O'Reilly
Test Your Knowledge of U.S. Air and Space Flight
1. The United States sent their first man into space, Alan Shepard, in on May 5 of what year?
2. How many test pilots were invited to volunteer for the new space flight program in 1959?
3. Shepard and six others were selected for the elite program of astronauts, which was called what?
4. When Alan Shepard went to the moon in 1971, what sport did he play there?
5. What year did the Wright Brothers pilot the first airplane?
6. Who was the first person to fly across the Atlantic Ocean?
7. What was the first satellite launched into space?
8. The first Wright airplane made it all the way to where?
9. John Glenn became the first American to do what on February 20, 1962?
10. Who was the first person to survive Mach 1?

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The United States sent their first man into space, Alan Shepard, in on May 5 of what year?

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