Bill O'Reilly
Week of 10/15
1. Other than California, which state has the most electoral votes?
2. This year's Nobel Peace Prize was given to which organization?
3. Former Senator Arlen Specter, who died Sunday at age 82, was best known for his work on which Senate Committee?
4. Socialist French President Francois Holland wants to abolish what?
5. Last week, for the first time, Pope Benedict XVI gave a papal blessing in what language?
6. In a new book, a woman reveals her first-hand experience with which criminal?
7. President Obama will sit down for an interview with whom this week?
8. More than 10-million Americans watched the Vice Presidential debate on Fox News. Which network had the second-most viewers?
9. Six weeks into the season, which is the only NFL team with a perfect record?
10. Reporter and author Buzz Bissinger has been savaged by some media colleagues and bombarded with vulgar emails after endorsing Mitt Romney. What book did he write?

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