Friday, October 26, 2007
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
Far-left reacts against Bill Clinton
"Egged on by vicious far-left web sites and a deeply committed left-wing media, unstable Americans are running wild - interrupting speeches and TV programs, even invading churches to disrupt and embarrass people with whom they disagree. And they're not just targeting the right - Hillary Clinton, Bill Maher, even Nancy Pelosi have been verbally assaulted by these cranks. The latest happened in Minneapolis, where a conspiracy nut interrupted Bill Clinton, shouting '9/11 was an inside job.' As Talking Points stated last night, there is a growing strain of anarchy in this country, and assaults on freedom of speech are everywhere. But it is truly ironic that people on the left like the Clintons are being targeted, because they have consistently refrained from criticizing the radical loons. You'll remember that Hillary Clinton showed up at the daffy Daily Kos convention and mocked me for hammering that group. You reap what you sow, madam. Clear-thinking Americans must condemn the fascists and actively oppose the anarchy they embrace. Only public opinion and criminal proceedings against the loons will tamp them down. Let those actions begin in earnest."

News Link: Video: Bill Clinton heckled by 911 loons
Top Story
"Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week" on campus
Conservative author David Horowitz organized a week of events to draw attention to Islamic fascism, but speakers were frequently shouted down on college campuses. The Factor invited two young Muslim leaders to offer their opinions. First, Saleem Azad said that 'Islamo-fascism' is an inherently offensive term. "It connotes the idea of a fascist movement that arose in the 20th century that had no connection to Muslims. This week basically said there is a problem with Muslims, when in fact most Muslims just want to live their lives and be good Americans." Samir Malik added that Muslims are frequently the victims of terror. "Terrorism is something that affects both Muslims and non-Muslims. Last week 150 Muslims died in a Pakistan suicide bombing. I define the problem as 'radical terrorism.'" But The Factor argued that "Islamo-fascism" is an accurate term. "The terror we're facing is almost exclusively Muslim - there aren't any Finns or Swedes or Thais involved."

News Link: Protesters disrupt David Horowitz speech
Impact Segment
Robert Redford snipes at the USA
While promoting his new movie in Europe, director Robert Redford claimed Americans have "lost sacred freedoms," and vilified American media for not challenging President Bush in the run-up to the Iraq war. FNC analyst Ellis Henican concurred with Redford's assessment. "Too many of our colleagues in the media were too gullible and should have investigated the claims. The fact of the matter is that your side in this debate was wrong because you didn't ask the right questions. And we have signed away the rights to defense and the right of habeas corpus." The Factor challenged both Henican and Redford. "I haven't lost any 'sacred rights' and neither have you or we wouldn't be sitting here, so he's lying to the whole world. I'd like to talk to Robert Redford about this, but he only talks with people who agree with him."

News Link: Redford blasts Bush
Unresolved Problems Segment
Rewarding illegal behavior
Seven states allow illegal aliens to obtain driver licenses, and New York Governor Eliot Spitzer wants his state to do the same. Former federal immigration agent Mike Cutler denounced the practice as a breach of national security. "When you give someone a driver's license, it's a breeder document. They can open bank accounts and create fictitious identities. You're going to be drawing thousands of additional immigrants into your states, and I'm angry at all of the states that are doing this." The Factor pointed out that more than 70% of New Yorkers oppose Spitzer's plan. "This is a tremendous security problem for the United States, and I think Governor Spitzer is done. This is crazy."

News Link: New Yorkers oppose drivers licenses for illegals
Factor Follow Up Segment
Looting in the wake of California wildfires
In the wake of the fires in California, a few looters and con artists have been trying to take advantage of the crisis, so San Diego County DA Bonnie Dumanis issued a stark warning: "People should know that when you loot in a disaster time it's a potential of three years in a state prison. So we're telling people don't mess with us - there are no breaks and we're going to take it seriously. If people are arrested we're going to prosecute them to the fullest."

News Link: Criminals try to capitalize on wildfires
Fridays with Geraldo Segment
The capture of the Preppie Killer
Robert Chambers, dubbed the "Preppie Killer" after he strangled a woman to death in New York's Central Park in 1986, has been arrested for dealing cocaine. The Factor was joined by Geraldo Rivera, who described Chambers as a sociopath. "He is despicable. He's a good-looking guy who wore Brooks Brothers clothing, so instead of treating him like the scumbag that he is, he was allowed to plea to manslaughter and got a 15-year rap. He has manipulated people his entire life. I think he's going away for life this time." The Factor agreed that Chambers should have served more than 15 years for the 1986 murder. "I covered that man and I truly despise him. I knew from the jump that this guy should have been in prison for life."

News Link: "Preppy Killer" busted for coke dealing
Back of Book Segment
Another American TV icon
The Factor welcomed Ron Palillo, who revealed how he landed the role of the nerdy "sweat hog" Horshack on "Welcome Back, Kotter." "I had an audition," Palillo recalled, "but they were looking for tough guys from New York so I didn't even know why I was there. But when I saw the character's name was Arnold Horshack, the head bob started to happen and this laugh came out of nowhere. Sometimes you get hit by inspiration." The Factor praised Palillo for his contribution to a TV classic. "You created an indelible character, which is a double-edged sword because 30 years later people are still going 'Hey, Horshack.' You're a TV icon."
Pinheads and Patriots
Who's helping, and who's hurting?
Friday's Patriots: Dave Matthews and his band, who will give two free concerts at West Point next month. And the Pinhead: Comedy Central's Stephen Colbert, who is promoting his new book by making a satirical run for the presidency. Because the "campaign" is being sponsored by Doritos, Colbert may be violating federal election laws.

News Link: Dave Matthews playing at West Point

News Link: Colbert campaign running afoul of election laws
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
A sampling of some of your e-mails:

Gene Lucas, Arcadia, CA: "Bill, when the Iraq war was going poorly, you never mentioned it. Now that things are improving, you are all over it. You are biased."

Pete Steinmetz, Havre, MT: "O'Reilly, every time I hear you say the war in Iraq is a mess, I want to scream. You are doing damage to the country by saying that."

Patricia Kelly, Lynnfield, MA: "Mr. O'Reilly, you made great points on how traditional and religious children are being mocked at school. I am buying 'Kids Are Americans Too' for my nieces and nephews."

Connor, Colorado: "The teachers in my school have made numerous attacks on President Bush. One of them even said our soldiers in Iraq are terrorists."