Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bill reports from Washington, D.C. tonight.
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Dems divided over health care debate
"The far-left is furious that a government-run insurance concern and more Medicare entitlements have been stripped from the Senate bill. The head of the far-left Daily Kos says it is 'time to kill this monstrosity coming out of the Senate.' What has the far-left really insane is Senator Joseph Lieberman, who will not support the massive entitlement spending and is making life very difficult for his former party. And so the far-left is now attacking Lieberman's wife. A vicious web site wants her fired as ambassador for a breast cancer charity, if you can believe it. Personal attacks have no place in public discourse, and attacks on families are unacceptable. Yet you see them all the time on NBC and other media outlets. Back to the health care fiasco: Late today Howard Dean said the president should kill the entire health care bill - he's another far-left guy saying compromise is not worth it. The question is what will happen now, and I don't know. But I do know one thing: This trillion-dollar health care deal is as chaotic as anything I've ever seen here in Washington."

The Factor asked Politico's John Harris and Jim VandeHei about the Senate health care bill and its condemnation by Howard Dean. "Absolutely it matters," Harris said, "because Howard Dean is a spokesman for the left wing of the Democratic Party. The fact that he comes out and says 'kill it' is going to embolden a lot of other liberals to do the same thing. There will be a lot of pressure from activists to kill the bill." VandeHei added that liberal Senators will be under tremendous pressure from the left. "There will be a big test in the next 72 hours - who's more powerful, Barack Obama or the left noise machine? If they don't like the bill they're going to apply a lot of pressure on liberal Senators they consider ideological soul mates." Nevertheless, The Factor predicted that President Obama will prevail: "The president told Senators that they have to help him on this, and when a president looks you in the eye and says that, they're going to help him. So I'll predict something will get passed."
Barack and a Hard Place Segment
Pakistan says 'no' to Obama on terrorism
FNC's Obama-watchers Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley gave their assessments of the health care imbroglio. "Two things are happening," Crowley said. "President Obama is down to a 44% or 46% job approval, so elements of his own party see him as vulnerable and are more willing to stake their own positions. You also have responsible Democrats looking at poll numbers and seeing that more than 60% of Americans hate this thing." Colmes endorsed the Senate bill as something that merits passage. "This is an opportunity to make some advances. It may not be everything you want, but you start with this and add on later. It's silly to throw the whole thing out." The Factor suggested that President Obama is in jeopardy of alienating his base: "The right can't stand Obama, he's lost all conservative support. If the far left turns on him, he's not going to have anyone liking him except the moderate left."
Stossel Matters Segment
Race & culture class garners criticism at U of Minnesota
The education school at the University of Minnesota may require some students to adhere to theories of "white privilege," "hegemonic masculinity," and "institutional racism." The Factor was joined by FNC's John Stossel, who actually defended the school. "This is just a discussion at this point," Stossel reported, "and it isn't as bad as it could be. Are you telling me there is not white privilege in America? And are you telling me that when you were a teacher that you or some of your colleagues might not have been helped by a cultural sensitivity course? Almost half the kids are not white any more, so some training wouldn't hurt." But The Factor argued that this is a prime example of America-bashing: "This is a continuation of the theory on college campuses that America is a bad place. This is a bunch of garbage because it emphasizes the negative."
Factor Follow Up Segment
Conflicting holiday displays in Springfield, IL
Alongside the "holiday tree" in the rotunda of the state capitol in Springfield, Illinois are a Jewish menorah, an atheist display, and a sign promoting the ACLU. The Factor welcomed author and columnist Ann Coulter, who denounced the ACLU's philosophy and tactics. "The ACLU is America's leading anti-Christian hate group," Coulter declared, "and they parachute into small towns whenever anyone puts up a Ten Commandments display. This is a Christian country, no matter how many times liberals tell us it's not. It was founded by Christians on Christian principles. Even under the Supreme Court's insane rulings, any town ought to be able to put up an exclusively Christmas display." The Factor took issue with Coulter's last point: "If you put up a manger scene and Jewish people ask for a menorah, I think that's fine."
'Is it Legal?' Segment
San Francisco protecting violent criminal aliens
City leaders in San Francisco, overruling Mayor Gavin Newsom, have voted to shield juvenile criminal illegal aliens from deportation. FNC's Kimberly Guilfoyle, a former San Francisco prosecutor, described the Board of Supervisors as out of control. "They're so crazy that I moved to New York," Guilfoyle said. "They act like they are an entity unto themselves, and say that no one should be turned over to the feds unless they have been convicted, which is in direct disregard of federal law." Lis Wiehl turned to the case of 100-year-old Theodore Sypnier, a pedophile who was released after completing his prison sentence in New York State. "In New York you can confine somebody even after their sentence," Wiehl stated. "The Department of Corrections says this guy should be confined, but the state Office of Mental Health says they can't afford it. This guy's own daughter thinks he's a monster." The Factor pointed out that "this idiot committed some of his crimes after the age of 90."
Back of Book Segment
Best of the Great American Culture Quiz
The Factor ended Tuesday's program with some highlights of previous battles between Steve Doocy and Martha MacCallum in the Great American Culture Quiz. Among the questions: "Which author wrote a book about John Belushi?" ... "Madonna starred in what movie remake that flopped big time?" ... "What was Jennifer Aniston's first movie?" ... "How many 'Rocky' movies were there?" After watching the vintage clips, The Factor concluded that MacCallum is "a good sport," but was conspicuously silent about Doocy.
Pinheads and Patriots
Taylor Swift & fast food 911 caller
Tuesday's Patriot: Singer Taylor Swift, who celebrated her 20th birthday by purchasing $250,000 worth of school supplies for poor children. And the Pinhead: The woman who called 911 because she was unhappy with the cheeseburger she was served at a fast food joint.
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Eugene Womack, Myers Flat, CA: "President Obama deserves a 'D' for danger to our way of life. Fortunately, I don't have to worry about ratings, Bill."

Allan Snider, Charleston, WV: "I feel President Obama is doing serious damage to the country. That does not make me an Obama hater. Please stop labeling me that."

John Ross, Stuart, FL: "Bill, the only way Karl Rove could have any credibility would be if he admitted he and President Bush were inept and corrupt."

Gary Thomas, Chesterland, OH: "I was once a drunken sailor. I resent Karl Rove comparing me to the Obama administration. When I ran out of money, I stopped drinking."