Friday, March 16, 2012
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
Obama in re-election mode
"President Obama has kicked his re-election campaign into high gear...

"Here is the latest Fox News polling on the President. His approval rating now stands at 47%, 45% disapproving. That is not a good number for an incumbent president. As far as the economy is concerned, 54% of Americans disapprove of the way Mr. Obama is going about things. 42% say he's doing okay...

"Those are troubling numbers for Barack Obama, but he does have plenty of time to turn things around...Obviously Mr. Obama cannot run on fiscal responsibility, as America is more than 16 trillion dollars in debt with no end in sight. He can't run on containing gas prices because they have doubled under his administration. And he also cannot run on leadership because the future of this country is so unclear...

"But do not underestimate Barack Obama. He is a brilliant campaigner, and he will have an enormous amount of money at his disposal. Whoever ends up as his opponent will have to run a flawless campaign."
Top Story
Rick Santorum in English language flap
Guest: Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera

In the run-up to Puerto Rico's primary vote on Sunday, GOP contender Rick Santorum ran into some trouble there, after saying if the commonwealth wanted to pursue statehood, it needed to make English its official language.

Geraldo insisted that Santorum sabotaged his chance to get 23 delegates, by fueling the fears of many Puerto Ricans that their cultural and linguistic heritage may change. He called it a clumsy mistake, pointing out that English and Spanish are both official languages of Puerto.

Ceding it was an unwise political move, the Factor accused Geraldo of dodging his question about whether all U.S. states should have one common language. Geraldo compromised, declaring the native language of Spanish should be retained, while English is awarded official language status in Puerto Rico.

Replying to the Talking Points, Geraldo said he believes the price of gas and the Dow Jones will be crucial elements of Obama's re-election bid.
Top Story (continued)
Why is California a guaranteed Democratic win?
Guest: political observer Adam Carolla

California has 55 electoral votes, and Mr. Obama doesn't even have to campaign there because he'll win it no matter what. Why?

Mr. Carolla pointed to several reasons for the Democratic stronghold in California: 1) the population is a bizarre mixed bag of transplants from New York and Tijuana, 2) the unions have taken control of the state and big business is considered the devil, and 3) Democrats are the cool, friendly party, while Republicans want people to work hard (Mr. Carolla said those work hours would interfere with the Golden State's surf schedule).

The Factor went so far as to say most Californians don't even listen to the Republican side of the argument because their knee-jerk vote is always Democratic.
Impact Segment
Gingrich and Obama trade taunts over green energy
Guests: conservative commentator Janine Turner & liberal commentator Leslie Marshall

On the campaign trail, Newt Gingrich has promised to bring the price of gas down to $2.50 a gallon if elected. He's now mocking President Obama's alternative energy vision. The President is fighting back, saying the professional politicians who are talking down new sources of energy would have been founding members of the flat-earth society.

Janine professed to have no qualms with alternative energy, but asserted that there needs to be a reasonable transition, saying you don't blow out all the candles until you have reliable electricity. The Factor described Obama as defiant and stubborn in his green energy vision. Leslie's opinion was that even if we drill every possible hole, gas won't go down to $2.50 a gallon. She defended the President, maintaining that no one president can change the international market price of crude oil.

The Factor countered that there are a whole bunch of things that could be explored to alleviate the energy crisis, yet Mr. Obama has done nothing.
Unresolved Problems Segment
Is China 'gaming' the U.S.?
Guest: author Peter Kiernan

Mr. Kiernan, the author of a new book entitled "Becoming China's Bitch," entered the no spin zone to discuss the unintended consequences of our owing China $1.2 trillion.

The Factor's main focus was China defying the U.S. vis a vis Iran. Mr. Kiernan cited a disturbing statistic that China buys 20% of Iran's oil exports, more than the entire E.U. combined, and explained how this is working directly at cross-purposes to world interest.

Mr. Kiernan's view: "It's one of those situations where it's hard to be too tough when your banker is also your major supplier, but...I think it's fair and reasonable to confront them when they're being unfair." But the Factor argued that China doesn't care at all what the U.S. has to say so we have frustratingly little leverage.
Lou's the Boss Segment
Government report: Obama-care will cost trillions
Guest: Fox Business anchor Lou Dobbs

About the chatter that we may tap into the strategic oil reserves - Lou Dobbs claimed this doesn't amount to a hill of beans because the most we've ever released from the reserves has been 30 million barrels and that's not enough to bring down prices.

About the Congressional Budget Office's report that Obama-care will cost twice as much as estimated, the Factor called this no surprise at all. He predicted it will actually cost four times as much as originally estimated. Mr. Dobbs hoped authorities would be smart enough to repeal this legislation before it hits the market.
Back of Book Segment
Hot for Words: The St. Patrick's Day Edition
Guests: author Marina Orlova

35 million Irish-Americans will celebrate St. Patrick's Day tomorrow, so what better time to bring in Marina ( for a lesson on the words associated with the holiday!
  • Shamrock: Marina informed us that this comes from the Gaelic word for clover
  • Leprechaun: Literally meaning "little body." According to Marina, the original leprechaun was a famous shoemaker with a pot of gold
  • Hooligan: Marina said it was the last name of a family of rowdy troublemakers
  • Blarney: It was the name of a castle protected from the British by sweet talk, so says Marina
  • O'Reilly: Marina told Bill his surname is actually an Anglicized version of the Viking name O'Raghailligh, meaning gregarious
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Kimberly Sykes, Boston, Massachusetts: "As a proud Republican voter, I found the MoveOn rape-abortion ad very effective."

Beth Meisel, Ventura, California: "Mr. O'Reilly, I agree with you that Margaret Hoover denigrated women by thinking we will buy into the MoveOn ad."

Ellen Scarano, Annapolis, Maryland: "Bill, I lost my job in 2009 through no fault of my own. Should I now be humiliated with a forced drug test?"
Pinheads and Patriots
Armed John Wilkes Booth bobblehead doll Designer
At the Lincoln Presidential Library and the Gettysburg Museum, they were selling an armed John Wilkes Booth bobblehead doll. After customers complained, the doll was pulled from the shelves. Whoever designed that doll is a real pinhead!