Wednesday, November 9, 2016
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo
The People Revolt. Trump Wins.
"In perhaps the most stunning political story in American history, the folks rejected corruption and unfair federal policies and delivered vast power to a maverick political novice who is promising to treat working Americans with respect. The Democratic machine waged an arrogant campaign that justified Hillary Clinton's incredible record of ethical deficiencies. Her exploitation of a massive charitable foundation for her own benefit is simply stunning. Even more troubling, she sincerely believes that she did nothing wrong or has ever done anything wrong. Americans noticed the narcissism and denied her power. On the policy front, important statements were made. First, working folks are tired of supplementing millions of people who are gaming the system. Enough with a chaotic, federally-imposed healthcare system that punishes productive people with high insurance fees so that other Americans can access free healthcare. Safety nets are vital for the suffering poor, but a vast income-redistribution scheme that is clearly unconstitutional is abusive. Also, there is no question that the federal government has allowed immigration to become a national scandal. Hillary Clinton has no interest in fixing any of that, shamelessly pandering to the Hispanic community in order to harvest votes. On the workplace front, workers cannot increase their earning power if business is strangled by onerous taxation and regulation. It is abundantly clear that liberal America believes corporate America is the enemy and must be punished. But the real enemy - Islamic terrorists - were not to be unilaterally confronted by the USA, no matter how many innocent people they slaughtered. The Obama/Clinton doctrine was to wait for international consensus before taking action and never offend by using the words 'Islamic terrorism.' Then there was the shocking admission by Hillary Clinton that she believes unborn babies have no rights whatsoever and can be killed up until birth if the mother's health is in question. That extreme position goes directly against homicide laws and unmasked Clinton as a radical extremist in the eyes of Americans who value life over destructive ideology. Now, on to Donald Trump. He may not realize it, but the vicious, dishonest national media actually helped him. The collapse of an objective press angered many Americans who still believe in fair play. That's why the polling failed. Many voters simply refused to participate when asked their opinion. Investor's Business Daily was the best poll and you might consider adding that publication to your life. Distrust of the media is at an all-time high, so when left-wing zealots masquerading as journalists pounded Trump without mercy, voters grew numb to it. Finally, a personal note: This was a very tough race for me to cover. I've known President-elect Trump for a long time, but I had to challenge him and I did. As for Hillary Clinton, we gave her fair play even though her campaign lied to us. Props should also go to the Fox News election folks who made CNN and some of the other networks look foolish. In the end, voters had their say. Memo to Donald Trump: It wasn't rigged."
Impact Segment
A Shocking, Historical Moment
The Factor continued post-election analysis with historians Lara Brown and Jane Hampton Cook. "This may be the most shocking and unprecedented presidential election we have ever seen," Cook declared. "We have never had someone so far out the political system become president. But I wasn't all that surprised as things began to tighten and flip." Brown contended that Hillary Clinton did not lose the election as much as Donald Trump won it. "The Clinton team actually hit their target, but Donald Trump and his team were able to turn out voters who had not voted often. When they turned out in rural areas, it upset every model."
Personal Story
Giuliani on Trump's Administration
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was firmly in Donald Trump's corner for many months, looked ahead to a Trump presidency. "I see Newt Gingrich as a possible national security adviser," he surmised, "but I haven't even talked to Donald about this. Ben Carson could have a role and Chris Christie would be fabulous at Homeland Security. Every president needs a lot of help - Donald Trump didn't build his own buildings and golf courses, he got the best architects and carpenters and plumbers." Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor, hinted that he could serve as Attorney General, and he also said that if President Obama pardons Hillary Clinton it "will seal his legacy as one of the worst presidents ever."
Weekdays with Bernie
Fair Coverage of Trump's Win?
Like most Americans, Bernie Goldberg spent Tuesday night glued to the TV set. He joined The Factor and assessed the coverage. "A lot of liberal analysts," Goldberg pointed out, "tend to see America through a dark lens, they see racism and sexism. So they figure that if Hillary Clinton lost, it couldn't be because people rejected her liberal policies. It must be the underlying sexism and racism in America. I have no problem with the press being tough on Donald Trump, but they are not interested in Hillary Clinton's positions." The Factor singled out and criticized ABC's Martha Raddatz, who moderated one of the presidential debates. "She is one of ABC's top-line reporters, but there could not have been a more anti-Trump person on ABC News last night. She was there to promote the candidacy of Hillary Clinton."
Campaign 2016
Krauthammer on Trump's Victory
The Factor asked Charles Krauthammer, a frequent critic of Donald Trump, for his analysis. "This all begins with Trump," Dr. K theorized, "who heard the voice of the Reaganite white working class. He spoke to them and they came out, which was political genius. But what's overlooked is that every time Obama has had a national campaign where he is not on the ticket, his party gets crushed. Democrats mistook his personal popularity for the fact that people don't like Obama-ism. He over-reached with his hyper-liberal agenda, starting with ObamaCare. And Hillary Clinton is the poster child for the political establishment that Trump ran against."
Back of the Book
Hillary Clinton's Reaction
Hillary Clinton gave a conciliatory speech Wednesday and wished Donald Trump well. The Factor spoke about that with former Obama adviser Austan Goolsbee. "Imagine if the situation were reversed," Goolsbee hypothesized, "and Donald Trump had won more votes but lost in the Electoral College. Do you think he would have been as gracious as Hillary Clinton was today? She showed no resentment and I don't know if Donald Trump would have done the same." But The Factor gave a much harsher assessment: "Secretary Clinton was not honest with us, she was not honest with a lot of people, and she waged a campaign that pandered to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. She got what she deserved."
Factor Mail
Viewers Sound Off
Dorothy Lawrence, Champaign, IL: "The Cubs win the World Series and Trump is president. We are living in remarkable times."

Robert Gault, Laguna Niguel, CA: "The biggest losers are not the Democrats but those Republicans who turned their backs on Trump."

William Jones, Lake City, FL: "Thank God we will finally get rid of sanctuary cities and pass Kate's Law."

Katherine Zullo, Fredericksburg, TX: "Thank goodness Trump proved himself to be the 'Teflon Don.'"
Tip of the Day
Tip of the Hat
The Factor paid special recognition to the staffers who were invaluable during the campaign coverage: Jacque Boothby, Nicole Casey, Anthony Cifone, Andrew Conti, Tom Fox, Nate Fredman, Ron Mitchell, Rob Monaco, Ben Peltz, Nick Robertson, Robert Samuel, Amy Sohnen, David Tabacoff, Tyla Tyus, Brian Vota, Makeda Wubneh, and Eldad Yaron.
Wednesday: Analysis of Trump's Historic Victory