Tuesday, May 31, 2005
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
The ACLU's attack on America
Guest: Former Assistant US Attorney Andrew McCarthy & Barbara Comstock, fmr. Justice Department official

"I believe the American Civil Liberties Union is the most dangerous organization in the country. Now, another example: The ACLU has sued the Defense Department, demanding it release more disturbing photos from the Abu Ghraib prison scandal. The government doesn't want to do that because these photos would whip up more anti-US hatred around the world. Even if you dislike the Bush administration, giving fuel to the terrorists is simply unacceptable - almost treasonous, in my opinion. There's no question Americans have made mistakes and committed crimes against detainees that must be dealt with fairly and aggressively. So the President should appoint an independent body to examine what has happened in Afghanistan, Iraq and at Guantanamo Bay. The President must go on the offensive or chaos will reign."

Transcript/Video: FoxNews.com

The Factor was joined by two former government officials who are following the ACLU's lawsuit. Former Assistant US Attorney Andrew McCarthy agreed that releasing new photos could incite violence. "This is like throwing a match on an oil puddle. It would lead to people getting killed." Barbara Comstock, formerly of the Justice Department, argued that the ACLU's apparent goal is simply to damage the administration. "They'll do anything to embarrass the United States and this would serve no purpose. And the law doesn?t allow us to release the pictures." The Factor again accused the ACLU of willfully endangering the United States and its troops. "The ACLU is setting itself up as a fifth column. They are helping the terrorists and putting US soldiers in jeopardy."
Factor Investigation Segment
Update on Jessica Lunsford case
Guests: Attorneys Kendall Coffey & Herb Cohen; radio talk show host Pat Mitchell

The Factor has reported on the case of 9-year old Jessica Lunsford, the Florida girl kidnapped and murdered by John Couey. According to newly released documents, Jessica may have been held captive for three days in a closet of the mobile home where Couey and three others were living. Florida attorney Kendall Coffey expressed bewilderment Couey's roommates have still not been charged with any crime. "It's astonishing that they haven't brought charges. The evidence shows she was sexually abused while these roommates were hanging around. There could even be conspiracy to commit murder here."

In a second segment on the Lunsford case, The Factor was joined by radio talk show host Pat Campbell. "There is overwhelming evidence that these people need to be charged," Campbell asserted. "You have numerous admissions that they knowingly aided and abetted a fugitive. It's boggling that these people aren't between bars." Lunsford family attorney Herb Cohen hinted that he expects Couey's colleagues will eventually be prosecuted. "Bill, your instincts are correct and you're going to see stuff coming out of this case. Common sense tells you these three knew Jessica was in that trailer, and there is more physical evidence to come." The Factor again called for justice for Jessica and her family. "I have never been as angry while reporting on a story. Couey had the little girl in a room in the trailer for three days, and these three people didn't know anything about it? We have a prosecutor flat-out refusing to prosecute while evidence piles up."

Impact Segment
Live Aid concert series planned
Guest: Trent Stamp, Charity Navigator

Some of rock music's biggest stars are planning another "Live Aid" concert to raise awareness about global poverty. Charity expert Trent Stamp claimed the first concert, held in 1985 to raise money for Ethoipia, was a financial debacle. "Doctors without Borders considers 'Live Aid' to be the worst thing that ever happened to Ethiopia. It was used to funnel money into the tyrannical government, which was oppressing its own people. We focus too much on who raised how much money, but nobody was looking at how the money is spent." The Factor urged an international effort to ensure that money reaches those in need. "The only way to fight poverty in Africa is to get the United Nations involved in a huge way to provide protection for the aid going in. Without that it's going to be stolen by guerillas or by the corrupt governments."
Personal Story Segment
The controversy over Scientology
Guests: Pat Lalama, Celebrity Justice & Rick Ross, Ros Institute

Scientology has been embraced by many celebrities, including Tom Cruise and John Travolta. But the organization remains controversial, and some question whether it is a religion or a cult. Rick Ross, who has studied Scientology, accused its leadership of being overly focused on money. "Their primary goal is to recruit more people who will pay for courses and auditing services, which can be expensive. They like people to think they're humanitarian, but the bottom line is that all of their help comes with a price." Pat Lalama of Celebrity Justice explained how celebrities help promote Scientology. "Their primary agenda is to get more followers. And they feel if celebrities get out there and talk about the virtues of Scientology, they can bring more people in." The Factor praised one particular aspect of Scientology's doctrine. "They don't believe in taking any drugs at all, and I like that. And for the record, they want people to be self-reliant and stand up on their own two feet."
Back of Book Segment
Clinton pushes forward with campaign
Guest: Author John Harris

According to a new poll, a majority of Americans would consider voting for Hillary Clinton for President in 2008. While Senator Clinton has moved toward the center in recent years, author John Harris described her as a traditional liberal. "She believes in government and brings an almost missionary zeal to politics. But the Clintons have learned that this is not a very liberal country, it's a conservative country." The Factor expressed frustration at Mrs. Clinton's evasiveness. "Her heart seems to be on the left - big government, income redistribution, higher taxes for the wealthy. And we hear she's tough on national security, but I can't get a straight answer about what she would do in Iraq or what she would do about the border."
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Many of your e-mails focused on the segment about Amnesty International, which described Guantanamo Bay as a "gulag." Some excerpts:

Don Anderson, Thailand: "If Amnesty had its way, American soldiers would have to read the enemy Miranda rights."

Hal Crow, Los Altos, CA: "The U.S. is wrong in torturing prisoners, regardless of your strident arguments in favor of the military, Bill. Amnesty International is a fine organization."

Sgt. R. Scott, Kaneohe Bay, HI: "Bill, in November my platoon was in Fallujah and had to kill a man dressed in ordinary clothes who would not stop when ordered to do so. When we searched his body we found live explosives ready to be detonated. If we would have hesitated and read him his rights, we would not be alive today."

Jake Quilty-Dunn, Marshfield, MA: "Mr. O'Reilly, I am a member of my high school's Amnesty club and am bothered by your claim that Amnesty International is a left-wing group. There is nothing liberal about fighting against torture and imperialism."

Al Rodriguez, Las Vegas, NV: "How ironic that Amnesty International is criticizing Guantanamo. If they really want to see a gulag, all they have to do is look over the fence and check out Cuba."

Books Mentioned

Survivor: President Clinton and His Times
by John F. Harris