Thursday, February 28, 2013
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
What the looming budget battle means for you
Guests: Ed Henry and Mike Emanuel

"There is budget chaos in Washington that may result in some small automatic spending cuts. Recently Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward criticized the Obama administration for spinning the budget issue, and he is correct - no responsible administration would embrace a federal debt that could reach $20 trillion by 2016. What Barack Obama is doing is irresponsible, he's spending the country into bankruptcy and he refuses to reform the out-of-control entitlement situation. Bob Woodward knows this, so he wrote it, and he now says the Obama administration didn't like what he wrote. Woodward has said a top administration official said 'you will regret doing this.' It's certainly true that the Obama administration does not like to be criticized by the press, and if you are perceived to be a enemy they'll cut off access. The press should complain loudly about that because we need honest reportage. We also need to stop the ideological nonsense in this country and demand that both parties start looking out for the folks."

The Factor asked two Fox News correspondents to elaborate on the dispute between the White House and Bob Woodward. "In today's daily briefing," Ed Henry reported, "Jay Carney pushed back against the idea that there was any threat against Bob Woodward and said the administration is 'respectful' when dealing with the media. But it didn't sound 'respectful' when former Obama advisor David Plouffe went on Twitter and compared Bob Woodward to a washed-up baseball player." Mike Emanuel added that the rift between the administration and Congress is wider than ever. "Speaker Boehner and the President have a disastrous professional relationship. I've heard Boehner say the President does not have the guts to take on the left and make meaningful cuts. They think the President is a lot more comfortable going out and giving speeches and beating up on the Republicans." The Factor theorized why the President's aides may feel a need to discredit Bob Woodward: "Public opinion is turning against the Obama administration on this budget mess largely because of Woodward, who has a lot of credibility."
Top Story
Lanny Davis: White House threatened me, too
Guests: Lanny Davis

Former Clinton advisor Lanny Davis says his editor was threatened when Davis wrote a column critical of President Obama. He entered the No Spin Zone to elaborate. "95% of my columns were supportive of the President," Davis said, "but at times I criticized the crisis management side of their communications department and I think that got under their skin. This story about Bob Woodward is another example of crisis mismanagement. Why in God's name would David Plouffe take on an icon, one of the great reporters of our age?" Davis laid out the difference between the Obama administration and his former bosses. "Bill and Hillary Clinton were unhappy with critical reporting as every White House is, but they never threatened a reporter."
Week in Review from the Ingraham Angle Segment
Is the secular media trying to marginalize the church?
Guests: Laura Ingraham

Some media outlets are using Pope Benedict's resignation to heap criticism on the Church and its teachings. Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham, a convert to Catholicism, evaluated the tone of the coverage. "The Catholic Church is still paying for grievous sins," she stated. "The abuse was reprehensible and heartbreaking, but Pope Benedict has been one of the stalwart people in the Church, he insisted that these abuses be examined and prosecuted. But people want to use Pope Benedict as a whipping post because they don't like Catholic doctrine and its views on sexuality or embryonic stem cell research or euthanasia. Enormous good is done by the Catholic Church and volunteers across the globe." The Factor contended that many secularists oppose the Church for one primary reason: "I think this is all abortion-driven, the American media in general worships at the altar of 'reproductive rights.' That's what this is all about."
Are We Crazy Segment
Miss Delaware Teen resigns after alleged porn sex tape surfaces
Guests: Bonny Forrest and Wendy Walsh

Delaware's representative in the Miss Teen USA pageant, 18-year-old Melissa King, had to give up her title when it was discovered that she had appeared in a pornographic video. Mental health experts Wendy Walsh and Bonny Forrest analyzed the apparent increase in incidents involving teens, cameras, and sex. "We have a highly sexualized culture," Walsh lamented, "that uses sex to sell these girls absolutely anything. They are basically told that being a sexual being is the only way to be a great woman. This is a little girl from our foster care system who was trained to be a sexual being." Forrest added that celebrities like Kim Kardashian have reaped rewards after making sex tapes. "We've projected a value in our society that the thing to be is rich and famous. And what's the consequence if you put out a sex tape? When you're 18 it's much harder to look at the consequences." The Factor quarreled with Walsh's implication that society is somehow to blame for Melissa King's actions: "You're insane if you think this woman is not responsible for what she did, I believe kids know what is right and what is wrong."
Kelly File Segment
Is Mayor Bloomberg's soda ban ruining pizza parties?
Guests: Megyn Kelly

Massachusetts authorities are investigating possible parental neglect in the case of 9-year-old rapper "Lil Poopy," whose videos are filled with women, fast cars, and drug allusions. Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly opined on the situation. "Child Services is looking into this," she said, "but I don't think they'll have a case. However, this is disgusting and clearly his parents have made some questionable choices in 'Lil Poopy's' life." Kelly also scrutinized New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's crusade against all things unhealthy. "First they had the smoking ban in public parks, then there was a ban on trans fats, and now it's the 'big gulp' sodas of 16 ounces or more. Even if you go to Chuck E. Cheese and you want to throw your kid a birthday party, if you bring a large container you are violating the law. Next he wants to ban styrofoam, so I'm wondering what we'll be left with when he's done."
Watters' World Segment
Watters' World: The California Edition
Guests: Jesse Watters

California Governor Jerry Brown, who used to visit the No Spin Zone, now refuses to appear on The Factor. Jesse Watters hit the beaches of Southern California to ask some barely clad folks about their governor. A few of the responses: "He's raising taxes again and he won't go on the O'Reilly show" ... "He should go on The Factor, Bill will treat him right" ... "He's just a big lib and Bill would grill him" ... "Who's Jerry Brown?" Back in the studio, Watters delineated a few of California's dubious superlatives. "It has more illegal immigrants than any other state, the highest poverty rate, more food stamp benefits, and more welfare. But no one cares because the weather's so great."
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
John McCann, Augusta, GA: "Sorry, Bill, I know you are about ratings but I get more political savvy from an American Idol contestant than Bob Beckel."

Glyn Bailey, Covington, LA: "Mr. O'Reilly, you and Miller should be ashamed - mocking the suffering of fish. That shows an insensitivity that is truly sickening."

Hermann Thoni, Los Angeles, CA: "So Miller is tired of the Obamas? Well turn off the TV. I'd rather watch them than him."
Tip Of The Day
The perils of prroselytizing
Having faith can be extraordinarily beneficial if it gives you sustenance, but demanding that people share your beliefs is wrong and potentially dangerous.