Tuesday, September 17, 2013
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Top Story
Is the USA Still a Great Country?
Guest: Charles Krauthammer
The Factor began Tuesday's show with Monday's massacre at the Washington Navy Yard and what it says about America. FNC's Charles Krauthammer, a former psychiatrist, pointed out that killer Aaron Alexis was severely mentally ill. "Of course this damages our image around the world," Dr. K said, "but I think it's the wrong image. People have this idea that we are going around shooting each other, but in this case we learned that Alexis suffered from auditory hallucinations. This is a classic symptom of a paranoid schizophrenic, a sickness that in rare cases leads to the violence that we saw. But to say there's a sickness in our society is nonsense in relation to this."
Impact Segment
Preparing For Obamacare
Guest: Karl Rove
Returning for a second segment, Krauthammer shifted to GOP threats to defund Obamacare. "It's absolutely not going to happen," he declared. "Obama is invested in this, it's his signature achievement, and for Democrats it is their road to national health care. They are not going to give it up, but it could be such a catastrophe that it could collapse on its own." The Factor asked the good doctor to evaluate the legislation. "They have instituted 10,000 pages of regulations," Krauthammer said, "that will affect 80 things at the same time in contradictory and arbitrary ways. I'll give you one specific where they didn't understand the implications of the law: It's going to affect unions because employers are going to reduce hours and unions understand that they're going to lose members." The Factor concurred that Obamacare and its emanations are basically incomprehensible: "I have tried and tried to figure it out, I know the nuts and bolts, but I can't tell you how this is going to affect you and me and folks."
Talking Points Memo
Winners & Loser in Syria
Guests: Monica Crowley & Alan Colmes
"Who are the winners and losers in the Syria controversy, which ended in a deal to take chemical weapons away from the Syrian government. First, the tyrant Assad is a big winner. The USA could have pulverized his military machine, but because of this 'compromise' he will remain in power fighting the vicious civil war. Russia is the other big winner - Vladimir Putin inserted himself as a compromiser, even though he is supplying Assad with weapons. Another winner is Congress, because it will not have to vote to humiliate the President. Also, the mullahs in Iran win because they can now tell their people that the USA is weak and any dissenters won't get any help from us. Now for the losers. Those fighting Assad inside Syria have been dealt a setback, and Great Britain is a loser because it has shown the world it will no longer right grievous wrongs. Finally, President Obama has looked weak throughout the entire mess. According to a new ABC News poll, just 36% of Americans approve of the way he handled Syria. As Talking Points predicted last week, there will be no military strike against Assad, even if he doesn't give up all his chemical weapons. We will not have another military conflict, which is a good thing. But most of the other stuff surrounding the Syria story is anything but good."

Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley added their perspectives on the Syria showdown and its aftermath. "President Obama didn't handle this well," Colmes conceded. "There were too many mixed messages - first Kerry was saying it's urgent, then the President said let's wait until Congress comes back. The President didn't have the people with him and he didn't have Congress with him." Crowley contended that the entire episode speaks volumes about President Obama's competence. "This has shown that the emperor essentially has no clothes. Remember how Obama talked about a 'red line' last year and put himself into a box. So when chemical weapons were used, he was in a catastrophe of his own making." The Factor theorized that President Obama is surrounded by too many sycophants: "He does not have on his staff anyone who can rein him in, he does what he wants and he is in way over his head."
Stossel Matters Segment
U.S. Income Gap
Guest: John Stossel

A new study shows that the top 1% of American households earn 20% of the country's income. The Factor asked John Stossel for his libertarian analysis of the disparity. "The biggest reason is that the stock market is going up," Stossel said, "and when the market goes up the rich get much richer. You ask whether 'the fix is in,' and that's partly true when we bail out the big banks and give rich people flood insurance and corporate welfare. But most of this is just a byproduct of freedom and capitalism." The Factor lamented that the outlook is not good for people on the lower end of the wage scale "Unions are weaker and there's no money to pay public employees, while big corporations are outsourcing all the manufacturing jobs overseas."
'Is it Legal?' Segment
Hot Legal Topics
Guests: Kimberly Guilfoyle & Lis Wiehl
Legal analysts Lis Wiehl and Kimberly Guilfoyle examined a new report that reveals that U.S. immigration officials have released more than 3,000 illegal alien sex offenders because of a 2001 Supreme Court decision. "The court said that if you are a convicted sex offender and an illegal alien," Wiehl reported, "you can not be held for more than six months in detention. Many times the country of origin won't take these people, they don't want these sex offenders back!" Guilfoyle blasted immigration authorities and the entire justice system. "Because they can't get their job done and administer justice in an efficient manner, they release these predators back out onto the streets. Shouldn't this have priority because of the level of predatory behavior?"
Watters' World Segment
Outrage in Montana
Guest: Jesse Watters
As reported previously, Montana Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced a 49-year-old male teacher to just 30 days for raping a 14-year-old girl who later killed herself. Jesse Watters traveled to Big Sky Country and spoke with some residents. "That sentencing is pretty ridiculous," one young woman told Watters, while another said, "I was a 14-year-old that was raped myself and this proves how little value we place on our girls." He also spoke with the victim's mother, who described her daughter as "energetic, artistic, and just fabulous." Finally, Watters confronted Judge Baugh outside his home. The lenient jurist wasn't in a talkative mood, but he did point out that he also gave the rapist a 15-year suspended sentence. Back in the studio, Watters reported that the 30-day sentence may be overturned. "It's an illegal sentence under Montana law, which has a 2-year mandatory minimum for statutory rape. The state is appealing, which could take a year and a half. Meanwhile, the perp could be out in October."
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
D.L. Rupper, Dayton, OH: "Bill, you are wrong as usual. Both sides in Syria are enemies to us. Colonel Hunt is right, let them kill each other."

Paul Johnson, Houston, TX: "Colonel Hunt is short-sighted. I don't believe the Syrian people will embrace al-Qaeda and more oppression after Assad is gone."

Dr. Joseph Ronaghan, Fort Worth, TX: "Redskins does not refer to skin color but to the red war paint some Native Americans wore. So I guess we should call the team the Washington Redpaints."
Tip Of The Day
Raising Little Einsteins
A new book called 'The Smartest Kids in the World' reports that children with authoritative parents have higher academic achievement and fewer discipline problems. So be authoritative but kind, and be sure to reward the urchins when they do well.