Tuesday, August 26, 2014
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo and Top Story
The Truth about White Privilege
Guest: Dr. Ben Carson
"Last night Megyn Kelly and I debated the concept of white privilege, whereby some believe that if you are Caucasian you have inherent advantages in America. Talking Points does not believe in white privilege. There is no question that African-Americans have a much harder time succeeding, but the primary reason is not skin color, it's education. And not only book learning. Here are the facts: The unemployment rate for black Americans is 11.4%. It is just over 5% for whites; 4.5% for Asians. So do we have Asian privilege in America? The median income for Asians is close to $69,000 a year, while it's $57,000 for whites and $33,000 for blacks. The question is, why? The answer is found in stable homes and the emphasis on education. Also, just 13% of Asian children live in single parent homes compared to a whopping 55% for blacks and 21% for whites. Children must learn not only academics, but also civil behavior, as well as how to speak and how to act respectfully. If African-American children do not know those things, they will likely be poor, they will be angry, and often they will be looking for someone to blame. One caveat: the Asian-American experience has historically not been nearly as tough as the African-American experience. Slavery is unique and it has harmed black Americans to a degree that is still being felt today. But in order to succeed, every American has to overcome the obstacles they face. And here is where the African-American leadership is failing. The racial hustlers blame white privilege and an unfair society. So the message is it's not the individual's fault if they abandon their children, if they become substance abusers, if they are criminals. No it's not their fault, it's society's fault. That is the big lie that is keeping some African-Americans from reaching their full potential. Until personal responsibility and a cultural change takes place, millions of blacks will struggle and their anger, some of it justified, will seethe. The government cannot fix this. Only a powerful message of personal responsibility can turn things around."

The Factor invited reaction from Dr. Ben Carson, the black neurosurgeon who is a Tea Party favorite. "We have a social problem," Carson said, "and not so much a racial problem. If you put any group in an environment where there are no father figures, where people resolve issues with violence, and where drugs and alcohol are easily accessible, they're going to meet up with law enforcement or with other people who are raised the same way. In either case you're going to have a disaster. It's not a racial thing, it's a social thing." The Factor also blamed the destructive influence of popular culture: "I agree that pandering and condescension by the white establishment towards poor blacks has harmed them. But you remember Motown, and what do we have now? Gangsta' rappers and Beyonce, and it's celebrated!"
Top Story
Carson 2016?
Guest: Dr. Ben Carson
Returning for a second segment, Ben Carson addressed the question of whether he will run for the presidency. "We've started a political action committee to raise money," Carson said. "There's no question that I haven't spent a lot of time in government, but that doesn't mean you can't make sure you have the right people around you. What's more important is wisdom and understanding and knowing how to use facts. You have to listen to your generals." The Factor warned Carson that he'll face lots of criticism for his lack of political background: "The thing you will have to overcome is your inexperience in government. President Obama went in fairly inexperienced and we have a management problem that is crushing the country."
White House Insider
Changing His Image?
Guest: Ed Henry
The Factor asked FNC correspondent Ed Henry whether President Obama, after being widely criticized for his seeming detachment, is likely to change. "Everyone likes to get some time off," Henry said, "but playing a round of golf minutes after making a statement condemning the beheading of an American journalist showed a president who is pretty insulated. He doesn't give a fig about his critics, so I don' t see any changes coming." The Factor added that President Obama is getting hammered from all sides: "The president got hammered by the people who don't like him, and the people who do like him didn't say a word to defend him. It's almost like he's a little child saying, 'I don't care what anybody says.'"
Impact Segment
Finally Confronting ISIS?
Guests: Monica Crowley & Leslie Marshall
President Obama is now calling ISIS a "cancer" that must be eradicated. The Factor asked liberal Leslie Marshall and conservative Monica Crowley how they would defeat the terrorists. "I would step up the air strikes," Marshall began, "and I would take those air strikes to Syria. We missed the mark by not working with the Free Syrian Army earlier." Crowley was even more hawkish, calling for the obliteration of ISIS. "The first thing is establish the overall objective, which this administration has not done. That objective is the complete annihilation of ISIS. There is no such thing as containing this enemy, you have to kill their leadership and take out as many jihadis as possible. That requires sustained bombing and some sustained strength on the ground, which means equipping and arming our Kurdish allies in the north."
'Is it Legal?' Segment
Hot Legal Topics
Guests: Kimberly Guilfoyle & Lis Wiehl
Legal aces Kimberly Guilfoyle and Lis Wiehl critiqued Harvard Law School professor Charles Ogletree, who went on TV to assert that Michael Brown was murdered. "So many things are in dispute," Wiehl stated. "He said that Michael Brown had his hands up, but that's in dispute. Some witnesses say he was running away, others say he was rushing the officer. These things are for the grand jury to decide." Guilfoyle schooled the professor in legal ethics. "As a professor of law, this is very irresponsible and he should know better. The information is inconclusive and he should be reticent to make these statements and poison the well."
Back of Book Segment
Police Militarization
Guest: John Stossel
John Stossel entered the No Spin Zone with his libertarian outlook on the increasing militarization of local police forces. "They need some equipment for hostage situations and riots," he said, "but most of what they're doing is not that, most of what they're doing are drug raids. They're raiding poker games, they're raiding fraternity houses where there is supposedly underage drinking. We have almost a million police officers, and some are obnoxious bullies." But The Factor contended that police are in grave danger and need to be protected: "In the last ten years 535 American police officers were killed and 580,000 were injured during arrests. If I'm a police officer, I want every piece of gear I could have."
Tip Of The Day
Political Correctness Run Amok
Some foolish people got very upset because the very beautiful actress Sofia Vergara stood on a pedestal to satirize Hollywood's obsession with beauty at Monday night's Emmy Awards. There are a few thousand other, and far better, reasons to be angry.
Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Stuart Marsh, Fairport, NY: "Megyn Kelly's analysis regarding African-Americans was wrong and misleading. Skin color doesn't cause poverty or unemployment. Other factors do: poor education, unstable family structures, and inadequate skills."

Dan Eckstein, Box Elder, SD: "Mr. O, you are right; Megyn is wrong. Unfortunately, some blacks are poor because of deteriorating culture. Black communities must correct what is wrong in their own neighborhoods."

Doris Enlow, Killeen, TX: "O'Reilly, have you and your overexposed Krauthammer forgotten we have an 18-trillion dollar debt? We cannot afford to fight the Russians, the Chinese, and the terrorists all at the same time."