Monday, August 1, 2005
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Talking Points Memo & Top Story
Sentencing convicted terrorists
Guest: Marci Hamilton, Benjamin Cardoza School of Law

"Last week, Sheik Mohammed al-Moayad was sentenced to 75 years in prison for conspiring to support al-Qaeda and fundraising for Hamas. Also last week, Ahmed Ressam was sentenced to 22-years in prison after being convicted of nine counts of terrorism, including trying to transport a trunk-load of explosives to Los Angeles to blow up LAX. Ressam could be out in 13 years and was sentenced by Judge John Coughenour in Seattle, who said, 'We did not need to use a secret military tribunal, or detain the defendant indefinitely as an enemy combatant, or deny him the right to counsel, or invoke any proceedings beyond those guaranteed by or contrary to the United States Constitution.' Quite a courtroom political speech from the Judge. So one guy raises money for Hamas and effectively gets life in an East Coast courtroom, and the other guy actually has bombs in his car and gets 13 years on the West Coast. Does this make any sense to you? The sad truth is that there is no equal justice in the USA. Judges have increasingly taken over the scales and too many of them are driven by ideology, not by a sense of protecting the people. For my money, Ahmed Ressam is far more dangerous than the Sheik from Yemen and we could see Ressam again in 2018. Again, does that make any sense to you?"

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The Factor felt that Judge Coughenour was making a political statement in issuing a light sentence to Ressam. "This guy is sending a message to the Bush administration--'If you keep messing around like you are, because I don't like it, I'm going to give these guys lesser sentences.' I think that's the message here." Benjamin Cardoza Law professor Marci Hamilton agreed that it appeared the judge used his position to issue his own political message. "It sure did look like he set himself up an opportunity to pontificate from the bench? it certainly was beyond what he should have been doing. The point of justice is 'Lady Justice is blind.' It's not supposed to be a political statement."

Impact Segment
Bolton nomination pushed through
Guest: Fox News political analyst Dick Morris

Just one hour into the Senate recess, President Bush appointed John Bolton as UN Ambassador. Political analyst Dick Morris praised Bush's move. "Bush named a prosecutor, he named a mean S.O.B. to go there and to clean it up, and I think it's just what the UN needs and I think it's just what the US needs. And I think the recess appointment is great because he'll be so popular in a year for flagellating the UN and forcing them to clean up, nobody will be able to vote against him." The Factor was not so optimistic. "I don't know if a United States Ambassador can force the UN to do anything, they're so corrupt."

Factor Follow Up Segment
Natalee Holloway case continues
Guest: Jossy Mansur, The Diario

It has now been more than two months since Natalee Holloway disappeared in Aruba and her mother has now returned to the USA. Jossy Mansur, managing editor of the Diario newspaper, predicted that Deepak Kalpoe would be re-arrested. "We have an exact copy of the transcript where Joran accused Deepak... that he thinks Deepak raped and murdered this girl on the beach."

Personal Story Segment
Passenger disappears from cruise
Guest: Charles Harris, fmr. security officer, Carnival Cruise Lines

A Connecticut newlywed named George Smith disappeared on his honeymoon while cruising on a Royal Caribbean vessel off the coast of Turkey. The investigation so far has turned up little, and some people say that's because the cruise ship industry routinely sanitizes all crime scenes because they don't want to be held accountable. Charles Harris, former chief security officer for Carnival Cruise lines, agreed this was a common practice. "If you have a crime committed, preserve the evidence. But they're not going in there... they'll go in there and move stuff around, clean it, sanitize the room. And it's partially because of liability, and they don't want the negative publicity."

Unresolved Problems Segment
Times takes aim at Ed Klein
Guests: Jane Hall, Fox News contributor & Dr. Jeff McCall, DePauw University

In the last couple of years, the New York Times has run more than twenty largely positive articles on the radio network Air America. The Times has run eight negative stories about Ed Klein and his new book "The Truth about Hillary." The Factor accused the Times of having a double standard. Dr. Jeff McCall, a professor of communications at DePauw University, suggested the Times was sympathetic to Sen. Clinton. "We need to look for the story behind the story. And in this case, is the story that the Klein book is so important or so damaging, or is the story that the Times wants to beat up on Klein because he has attacked or gone after a politician with whom the Times is generally in favor?"

Back of Book Segment
Greta talks to Natalee's family
Guest: Fox News host Greta Van Susteren

Greta van Susteren spent the weekend with Natalee Holloway's family in Alabama. She shared what she learned with The Factor. "Beth Holloway slipped away for about 48 hours from Aruba, she is going back either tomorrow or on Wednesday morning. What was sort of interesting to me is that she had a completely different perspective coming home. She had no idea of the tremendous outpouring from the community. There are yellow ribbons lining Birmingham, Alabama. She's almost in a media vacuum over there, she just had no idea how powerful and how much people are talking about it here."

Factor Mail
Viewers sound off
Viewers addressed the sexual abuse of children:

Duane McDonald, San Antonio, TX: "O'Reilly, your idea of 25 years in prison for a child molester is a simplistic dream. Simple solutions for complex problems only work for rabble rousers."

Kevin Duane, Edmond, OK: "The sheer complexity some use to defend against confronting immorality, especially child abuse and terrorism, can only be seen as lacking common sense."

George Eazell, Placentia, CA: "After the St. Louis judge, Kendrick, gave a child rapist 4 months in jail, I have only one question: How does he sleep at night?"