Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Eric Bolling
On The O'Reilly Factor...
Segment Summaries
All content taken from The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News Channel. Each weeknight by 6 PM EST a preview of that evening's show will be posted and then updated with additional information the following weekday by noon EST.
Top Story
Mike Pence on The Factor
Guest: Governor Mike Pence

Republican Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence joined The Factor, and heavily criticized Hillary Clinton for allegedly giving Clinton Foundation donors expedited access to her when she was secretary of state.

"The so-called separation or the wall between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation appears to be crumbling before our eyes," Pence said. "And frankly, Hillary Clinton is making light of it. It really is remarkable, the toughest interview she's done in a while was with Jimmy Kimmel and she joked that her emails were boring. But Eric, this is no laughing matter."

Pence also explained why Trump was working so hard to win over voters from the African-American and Hispanic demographics.

"Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to be president for all the people of the United States of America," Pence said. "His vision to make America great again, to make America safe again, to make America work again is a vision for every American in every community in the city and on the farm."
Impact Segment
Dennis Kucinich Responds to Pence Interview
Guest: Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich

Former Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) joined The Factor to discuss whether a special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate the "pay-for-play" allegations at the Clinton Foundation.

"The questions that have been raised about pay-to-play are questions of the public interest, they have to be looked at, they cannot be dismissed out of hand," Kucinich said. "But as far as the appointment of a special prosecutor by the president, you have to remember that if the president appoints a special prosecutor, the president can get rid of a special prosecutor."

Kucinich then said he favored Congress, not the executive branch, appointing a special prosecutor.
Unresolved Problems
Trump Softening Immigration Stance?
Guests: Ruben Navarette & Steve Cortes

Donald Trump raised eyebrows when he said he was considering "softening" his mass-deportation proposal. But will that have any effect on Latino voters?

Syndicated columnist Ruben Navarrette said Trump's apparent shift was unlikely to change his standing among Hispanics.

"I don't think it's going to make a difference one way or another because the opinion of Latino voters is set in concrete with regard to Donald Trump," Navarrette said. "I think he is destined to get 20 percent of the Latino vote. If he is lucky, he has so much offended and insulted this community, they're not going to forget it come Election Day.

Steve Cortes, a member of Trump's Hispanic Advisor Council, disagreed.

"He is speaking to their problems, their needs and solutions to those issues," Cores said. "This is what I think is important regarding Hispanics. It's offensive, you know, Ruben talks about what's offensive to him. It's offensive to Hispanics who did it the right way, who followed the procedures, followed the law. And by the way they're very cumbersome procedures people like my father to come here legally and to become an American citizen to then say, we are going to allow illegals to hop the line and cheat and get in front of you."
Factor Followup
Clinton Foundation Under Investigation?
Guest: Peter Schweizer

The segment opened with a clip of Democratic strategist James Carville defending the Clintons against pay-for-play accusations at the Clinton Foundation. Carville said the Clinton Foundation is "raising money from rich people and giving it to poor people" and that people in need "are going to die" because of all the controversy.

Peter Schweizer, author of the book "Clinton Cash," joined The Factor to respond.

"I mean, James Carville with all due respect doesn't know what the Clinton Foundation does," Schweizer said. "First of all, it doesn't give money to poor people. It gives money to highly paid consultants who are on the Clinton Foundation payroll. Second of all, his claim that the money doesn't go to the Clintons, it does, indirectly."
Personal Story
Trump and the GOP
Guest: Sean Spicer

Sean Spicer, chief strategist and communications director for the Republican National Committee (RNC), joined The Factor to explain why the RNC and the Trump campaign have begun to work closer together.

"We are in the final 75 days of this campaign," Spicer said. "What we need to do is make sure that our forces, our team, whether it's the data team, the digital team, political or finance or communication are -- were ready to go and make sure that the contrast is known between Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the rest of that down ballot ticket."
Back of the Book
Trump and The African American Vote
Guests: Monica Crowley & Eboni Williams

New York Times columnist Charles Blow recently said that Donald Trump is a bigot, and if you support Donald Trump, you're a bigot, too.

The Factor brought in Monica Crowley and Eboni Williams for their thoughts on the matter.

Crowley said Blow's comments were characteristic of the thinking of elites in the media.

"It is incredibly irresponsible and what they're doing is not just smearing him but they're smearing the millions of people who support him and what he represents," Crowley said.

Williams said if Trump wants to improve his standing with African-Americans, Trump should give speeches in their communities.

"I think the black community wants to see Donald Trump if he's at all sincere," Williams said.
"And I'm saying that he's not. But then take those opportunities to go to the National Black Journalist Association, the NAACP, places where he's been invited because they actually want to hear the message."
Wednesday: Mike Pence and Dennis Kucinich join The Factor