O'Reilly's History Quiz
Quiz Yourself on The Oregon Territory
Congress carved out the Oregon Territory on August 14 of what year?

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1. Congress carved out the Oregon Territory on August 14 of what year?
2. What theory encouraged Congress to claim the Oregon Territory?
3. What country ceded its rights to the territory to the United States under the Transcontinental Treaty in 1819?
4. What president put an end to the Russian monopoly on trade in the Pacific Northwest?
5. In the 1830s, the United State started to settle the area jointly with what country?
6. Some expansionists called sole U.S. ownership of Oregon Territory, prompting what future president to campaign under the slogan, "Fifty-four forty or fight"?
7. The Oregon Trail ended in Oregon City, Oregon, but began where?
8. In 1810, the first American-owned settlement on the Pacific coast was started by which American entrepreneur?
9. What replaced the Oregon Trail in 1884?
10. What future state was carved out the Oregon Territory in 1853?