American Patriot Quiz
How Well Do You Know President William Henry Harrison?
Test your knowledge of William Henry Harrison, America's ninth president, born February 9, 1773 near Richmond, Virginia.

Take the quiz to learn more.
American Patriot Quiz Image
1. Harrison became the first American President to do what while in office?
2. How long was Harrison's presidency?
3. What was Harrison's nickname?
4. Who was Harrison's Vice President and successor?
5. Harrison served his presidency as a member of what political party?
6. Harrison's father, Benjamin Harrison V, signed which important U.S. document in 1776?
7. Appointed by President John Adams in 1801, Harrison was the first Governor of what territory?
8. Though he was born in Virginia, Harrison served as a Representative and Senator from what state?
9. Harrison spoke with president Simon Bolivar, urging his nation to adopt American-style democracy, while serving as U.S. Minister to what?
10. At over 8,000 words, Harrison's inaugural address is the longest in U.S. history. Which president holds the record for the shortest inaugural address?