Top Story Quiz
Quiz: President Trump Meets Putin at the G20 Summit
President Trump meets with Russian leader Vladimir Putin for the first time at the G20 summit. How closely have you been following the story?
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1. In which German city is the summit being held?
2. Anti-globalization protests caused which person to be unable to attend official G20 events?
3. What percentage of the global economy do the 19 countries, plus the EU, at the summit comprise?
4. Which European nation did Trump visit the day before the start of the G20 summit?
5. Which member of Trump's administration will reportedly join a private meeting between the President and the Russian leader?
6. Russian President Putin struggles with English, but is reportedly fluent in which other language?
7. Which American politician claims to have looked into Putin's eyes and gotten a sense of his soul?
8. Which baby animal did Putin receive for his birthday in 2008?
9. While in Hamburg, President Trump tweeted that everyone was talking about why which person didn't turn over the DNC server to hacking investigators?
10. Ahead of the G20 summit, the European Union made a free trade pact with which country?