America's Political Strife
By: Bill O'ReillyJuly 7, 2021
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Americans are exhausted by all the political strife in the country. Millions are turning off TV and radio news, papers are almost obsolete.
The same thing happened after the one-two punch of Vietnam and Watergate in the early 1970’s. Americans were worn out and turned to Jimmy Carter and Disco to relieve anxiety.
Disco kind of worked for a little while. Jimmy never reached “happening” status.
Now we are headed back to the ‘70’s with inflation growing, high gas prices, and violent crime driven by drug gangs. Remember, drugs were far out in the 70’s.
Is President Biden the new President Carter? Looks like it. Mr. Biden will see the collapse of Afghanistan just as Vietnam went under. Gas lines? Joe won’t be able to deal with it. Iran? Don’t even ask.
Tonight on the No Spin News we’ll analyze where the country is headed. See you beginning at six eastern.
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