The Failures of Joe Biden
By: Bill O'ReillyJanuary 18, 2022
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One year ago today, as Joe Biden was about to assume the presidency, 49 percent of Americans described themselves as democrats. That according to the Gallup organization.

Today, 42 percent cop to being Dems. While self-described Republicans rose from 40 to 47 percent. So, all you math majors, that is an incredible swing in 12 months.

The reason is twofold. President Biden is a public policy disaster, and progressive leadership in the states is literally killing people.

If you read my column on this website, you'll see all the failures Mr. Biden has embraced. I hope you print the column out.

Some Americans are dumb, but most are not. There are no two sides to this appalling story; Joe Biden is hurting all of us.

Tonight, on the No Spin News, we'll analyze how the malicious progressive agenda is destroying American culture. Hope to see you beginning at six eastern.

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