Younger Americans Disrespecting Authority
By: Bill O'ReillyJune 11, 2015
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As you may know if you watch The Factor often, we have two themes running.

First, that the nation's police officers have been so demonized by zealots and the liberal media that some are tentative on the job.

And secondly, that young people in America, especially teenagers, now have a defiance toward authority not seen since the Vietnam days.

Here in New York City the uber-liberal mayor Bill de Blasio has alienated his own police department of nearly 35,000 by running them down verbally and instituting policies that make it more difficult to deal with criminals on the street.

In addition, New York City cops are seeing a growing disrespect.

BILL BRATTON, NYPD COMMISSIONER:  “There is just less respect for authority.  I think some of it’s coming out of the fact that we have so many home environments in this country that are not home environments in the traditional sense, in that there’s no direction at home.”

Talking Points has been saying that for years, and it is true. 

If an American child does not have guidance and supervision in the home, there will be a good chance the child will get involved with anti-social behavior quickly.

So for police authorities, things are not good out in the street.

And when you add in liberal mayors and prosecutors who handcuff the cops, pardon the pun, things get even worse.

Case in point: Marilyn Mosby, who is prosecuting six Baltimore police officers in the death of Freddie Gray.

Ms. Mosby we now learn was so concerned with drug activity in poor Baltimore neighborhoods that she ordered police to step up aggressive action against the street pushers.

Freddie Gray was one of those dealers, with a long rap street of drug involvement including heroin.

So that's most likely the reason the cops chased Gray and put him into custody.

He died a short time later.

Asked about her order, Ms. Mosby stonewalled.

MARILYN MOSBY, MARILYAND STATE’S ATTORNEY FOR BALTIMORE“I’m not going to litigate this case in the media.  I’ll litigate in the courtroom so I’m not going to discuss my evidence or strategy on any of that.”

REPORTER: “We’re just speaking on this issue of drug use and cutting down on drug abuse.  You ordered the police department to follow the Mount Street, North Street area.”


MOSBY: “I cannot talk about the specifics of any of this case.  Prosecutorial ethics precludes me from doing so.”

That's not exactly true.

Ms. Mosby can certainly define what her anti-drug policy was before the Freddie Gray incident.

The woman is dodging, no question.

If you were around in the late 1960's, early 70's, you know history is repeating itself.

Back then the American establishment embraced a war in Southeast Asia that forced millions of young Americans to be drafted.

The war turned out to be a fiasco because of the politicians, not the U.S. military.

So distrust among American young people skyrocketed.

That led to a breakdown of authority and the rise of the sex, drugs, rock and roll era.

Today we have the era of self-absorption, where many Americans simply don't care about society in general.

They are locked into their own worlds, encouraged by high technology.

The collapse of authority in America will lead to very bad consequences.

We are just seeing the beginning of this situation.

And that's the memo.