American Patriot Quiz
Quiz Yourself on Great American President Theodore Roosevelt
Take our quiz on American soldier, activist, statesman, and 26th president Theodore Roosevelt, born October 27, 1858.

Take the quiz to learn more.
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1. Theodore Roosevelt assumed the presidency after the assassination of what president?
2. As Lieutenant Colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment, Roosevelt became a hero of what war?
3. In 1906, Roosevelt became the first sitting president to travel outside the country. Where did he go?
4. Roosevelt became the first American to win the Nobel Peace Prize after negotiating a peace treaty between what warring countries?
5. During the 1912 presidential election, Roosevelt failed to win the Republican nomination and subsequently founded what party?
6. Complete the famous Roosevelt quote: "Speak softly, and carry a big ______"
7. While president, Roosevelt became blind in his left eye after the result of an injury from what sport?
8. Roosevelt ordered the construction of what addition to the White House, which now contains the Oval Office and Situation Room?
9. Roosevelt's face is carved into Mount Rushmore alongside George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and what author of the Declaration of Independence?
10. What late actor and comedian portrayed Roosevelt in the film Night at the Museum and its subsequent sequels?