Bill O'Reilly
July 17, 2017
Bill O'Reilly on the Donald Trump, Jr. Scandal: Is This the End?

Is this the end of the Trump Jr. Scandal or are felony charges next?

Bill O’Reilly analyzes the law and finds absolutely no crimes were committed with Donald Trump, Jr. met with some Russians claiming to have dirt on Hillary Clinton. 

“So Donald Trump, Jr., if you read the Message of the Day on the website, can they get another,  squeeze another week out of this in the anti-Trump media? I don’t think so. It was paltry today. Same old stuff today. My pal judge Napolitano came on and said, well, there should be a criminal investigation because in a campaign, if a foreign government gives something of value to a person who’s involved wth the campaign that could be a felony,” Bill says.

“You’ve got to love Napolitano. Napolitano stretches that by saying, maybe bad information about somebody would be something of value. No, no judge. The law was written prevent to bribes, not information flow, as a bunch of attorneys have pointed out. I’m laughing because this is the kind of stuff you never see in any other arena, other than the arena of Donald Trump.” 

Listen to the full podcast to hear Bill explain why Hillary Clinton received much more favorable treatment from the press than President Trump. 

Posted by Bill O'Reilly