News Quiz
Week of 6/09
1. Where is the military hospital at which Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is being treated?
2. Since the Civil War, during which deserters were routinely shot, how many U.S. military personnel have been executed for desertion?
3. Which former member of President Obama's cabinet has strongly disapproved of the swap that freed five Taliban commanders from Guantanamo Bay?
4. Who is Abdel Fattah al-Sisi?
5. A majority of New York City's City Council members have sent a letter to Walmart demanding that the company stop doing what?
6. What rhetorical device did President Obama use last week at the end of a sentence to emphasize the correctness of his point?
7. Other than Christianity, which is the largest religion in the United States?
8. Which band played in Israel last week, despite pleas by other rockers to boycott the country?
9. President Obama was criticized on Twitter by some French people for doing what during the ceremony marking the 70th anniversary of D-Day?
10. Which famous airline name is being resurrected?