The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points
Impact Segment
Factor Follow Up Segment
Washington Beat Segment
'Is it Legal?' Segment
Back of Book Segment
Factor Mail
Tip Of The Day
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Col. David Hunt and Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer
Guests:Col. David Hunt and Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer
The Factor began with its Talking Points Memo: "As we told you last night, President Obama's strategy of arming disorganized Syrians to defeat a well-trained terror army will never work. The president knows that, but he's afraid to tell the American people the truth -- that sooner or later U.S. forces will have to engage ISIS. It's already happening. There are now close to 2,000 U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq, providing support for the Kurds and those Iraqi army units that will actually fight. Believe me, these Special Forces are armed and if they see an ISIS terrorist -- a guy with a black mask -- they're going to take him out. Now we also told you last night that this counter-terrorism strategy is designed to tamp down public opinion. Because Iraq and Afghanistan have been so painful for Americans, there is no public will to deploy American troops once again in chaotic nations. Everybody knows that. But again, it's going to happen ... it's just a matter of when. ... As I said before, we are living in a dangerous world and many jihadists are maniacs. They'll do anything. Kill children ... no problem. Enslave women ... all day long. Behead innocent people on camera ... they like it. When you have that kind of a scenario, there is no negotiating. There is only confrontation. The quicker President Obama and the American people come to understand that, the quicker the jihad will be downgraded. Again, we need a Declaration of War and we need President Obama and the Pentagon to develop a smart, tough strategy against these animals."

Following the Talking Points Memo, The Factor asked Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer (ret.) and Col. David Hunt (ret.) for their plans on how to confront the ISIS threat. Shaffer said he would persuade U.S. allies in the region to send troops to Iraq and Syria. "We have effective forces ... who want to fight," Shaffer said. "The Egyptians, the Jordanians and all of these other elements that are ready to go. We've invested in these folks for decades." The Factor did not think Shaffer's plan was realistic. "Look, if that can happen, that would be great," The Factor said. "I'm just not seeing it as a real possibility." Col. Hunt said his plan relied on shutting down the Iraq-Syrian border. "I would go to Iraq first and build an economic, political, religious coalition of moderate Muslims before I went into Syria," Col. Hunt said. "But you have to seal the Iraq/Syria border first." Both Shaffer and Hunt agreed that the U.S. must also arm surrogate groups in Iraq to fight with guidance of American advisers on the ground. The Factor remained un-persuaded. "I don't think this ISIS group is going to go down with surrogates, I just don't," The Factor said.

The Factor said its plan would be to send assassination teams to Iraq: "This is one hell of a mess, all right. And even the finest minds are grasping for how to get these guys. And I would send in assassination teams, that's what I would do. I would use the surrogates, but their orders would be you kill every single ISIS person you can."
How to Confront Evil
Guests:Father Jonathan Morris and Father Bill Brisotti
The Factor framed the segment as "Christian doctrine vs. Islamic terrorism." The Factor then quoted Pope Francis' recent statement about ISIS: "In these cases where there is an unjust aggression, I can only say that it is licit to stop the unjust aggressor. I underscore the verb stop. I'm not saying bomb or make war, just stop." The Factor asked Father Morris what Pope Francis meant by his statement. Father Morris compared the situation with ISIS to being in a room in which someone is trying to kill your mother. "What the Pope is saying not only do you have a right but you have a responsibility to stop that person," Morris said. "And unfortunately when there's an unjust aggressor who's going in with a knife, for example, you can't just talk that person down. You stop them with the least amount of force necessary in order to keep them from doing a very bad thing."

Father Brisotti disagreed, saying the U.S. should do only things like cut off ISIS oil sales rather than fight a war. "I would come at it from the fundamental presumption would be against war coming from the Christian tradition and papal documents," Brisotti said. "We could organize to stop whoever is buying the oil that they're selling."
Should Adrian Peterson Play?
Guests:Monica Crowley & Kirsten Powers
Texas authorities recently charged Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson with felony child abuse. Peterson's legal woes came just days after video emerged of former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice knocking out his wife with a punch. The Factor asked Kirsten Powers and Monica Crowley what they would do about Peterson and Rice if they were commissioner of the NFL. Powers said she would suspend both Peterson and Ray Rice for the season. "I don't think either of them would play this week or this year," Powers said. "I think that they should be suspended for a year." Powers would reinstate Rice and Peterson next season if they successfully completed counseling. Crowley agreed that both players should face year-long suspensions, but said she definitely would not support a lifetime ban for either Rice or Peterson. "I think nobody wants to be in the position that's even looking like they're condoning or excusing domestic violence, child abuse, any kind of crime," Crowley said. "What I disagree with is that there are calls for permanent suspension, there are calls for banning some of these people for life."
Benghazi Update
Guests:James Rosen & Sharyl Attkisson
Investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson has broken a new story that says former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's staff may have tampered with the investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack. The Factor asked Attkisson what she found in her reporting. "[Raymond Maxwell, former deputy assistant secretary of state] discovered by happenstance that one of his office directors had been asked to perform
tasks on the weekend, around him, basically, without being told," Attkisson told The Factor. "This was something he describes as had been close to the seventh floor. Secretary Clinton and her staff had been assigned there previously. And he decided to pop in and check on it for himself over a weekend.
And he went in on a Sunday afternoon and he alleges that what he found was an operation that was described by this office director as an effort to separate out documents that could be embarrassing or damaging to the seventh floor, which is Secretary Clinton and her staff." The Factor asked Fox News Correspondent James Rosen how the State Department's was reacting to this allegation: "The State Department's position on this is that Mr. Maxwell was accusing Mrs. Clinton's staff of sanitizing documents before they're returned over to the State Department's Accountability Review Board. The position of the State Department is the Accountability Review Board had access to everything it needed, unfettered access to all documents."
Hot Legal Stories
Guests:Lis Wiehl & Kimberly Guilfoyle
A new report out of Syracuse University says there is a backlog of nearly 400,000 cases in immigration courts. "Why bother to run when you can just walk over, surrender, and the government will fly you where you want to go," The Factor said. "And you've got 400,000 people ahead of you." Attorneys and Fox News analysts Kimberly Guilfoyle agreed. "What actually happens, the deportation, the removal are down 20 percent from last year," Wiehl said. "Meanwhile, you've got all of this backlog." Guilfoyle reasoned that illegal immigrants now have an incentive to turn themselves in and remain free in the United States while waiting years for an immigration hearing. "I mean, why wouldn't you do it," Guilfoye said. "The other way is just so exhausting, right. I mean, this way, you win."

The Legal Ladies and The Factor also discussed how the Philadelphia police seized the home of two parents after their son was caught selling $40 worth of heroin, and how Arkansas State's football team had to remove crosses from its helmet due to a complaint from an atheist group.
Back in Iraq
Guest:Charles Krauthammer
The Factor asked Charles Krauthammer how the president could convince the American people to effectively fight ISIS. "You're going to need a president who's committed, who's going to make the case, but who will say this, 'This is not a naked U.S. invasion. It's not going to be just American tanks rolling down as we did in 2003,'" Krauthammer said. "But the most important element, the one that wasn't mentioned on this show at all, and has to be, is going to be the Anbar Sunni tribesmen. This is not as if this is a new script. The script was written by David Petraeus in 2008 and 2007. That is the only way this is going to work. You're going to have to have the Sunni tribes flip a third time. They supported al-Qaeda in Iraq at the beginning of the war and then they flipped. Petraeus did that during the surge, supported by American troops."
Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Tom Powell, Big Bear, CA: "I think the term 'boots on the ground' trivializes the fight against terror. We need to destroy ISIS and not be restrained by politics."

Dr. H.L. Long, Dossier City, LA: "How many parents are willing to sacrifice their sons or daughters in a centuries old religious war? There is a better way."

Brenda Hall, Hattiesburg, MS: "O'Reilly, I commend you on your stance regarding marijuana and young people. My son committed suicide after using pot heavily."
Henry Kissinger's New Book
To understand the world and the evil the United States must confront, check out Henry Kissinger's new book entitled "World Order."