The O'Reilly Factor
A daily summary of segments aired on The O'Reilly Factor. A preview of the evening's rundown is posted before the show airs each weeknight.
Friday, December 2, 2005
The Factor Rundown
Talking Points Memo
Top Story
Impact Segment
Unresolved Problems Segment
Personal Story Segment
Fridays with Geraldo
Back of Book Segment
Factor Mail
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Big wins for Christmas
"The Yule-tide has turned and the anti-Christmas forces are retreating all over the USA. In Wichita, Kansas it used to be called a 'community' tree. Now it's called a Christmas tree thanks to the city council. In Deerfield, New Hampshire the cops and firefighters say they are putting up a Nativity scene, and you can talk to them if you don't like it. Walgreen's now says it made a mistake banning 'Merry Christmas' from its advertising and next year Christmas will be back. Lowe's home improvement centers now say they are selling Christmas trees, not holiday trees. And the biggest victory of all--Macy's. Last year it would not advertise using Christmas but this year it will. As I said in my newspaper column this week, three wise men showed up to honor the baby Jesus way back when. And if corporate executives are not wise enough to emulate that, well, those of us who respect Christmas might look elsewhere. Talking points is proud to be a part of the pro-Christmas movement and things are moving our way. But eternal vigilance is the price of freedom and over the next three weeks we will be vigilant on this subject, believe me."

Fox News Video:

Sheehan & Coulter at UConn
Guests: Emily Salisbury, UConn College Republicans & Tom Gaffey, The Daily Campus

On Monday anti-war radical Cindy Sheehan is set to speak at the University of Connecticut and on Wednesday right-wing bomb thrower Ann Coulter will appear on campus. This has set off much freedom of speech debate. The Factor wondered why so many would protest Coulter's appearance but not Sheehan's. "Both are very high profile women, both are very provocative women. Why would Sheehan not raise any ire and Coulter raise all kinds of ire?" Emily Salisbury, executive director of UCONN'S College Republicans, spoke to the need for a diversity of speakers on the campus. "One of the reasons we chose Ann Coulter is that she has such name recognition that she's going to draw in academic students who might not otherwise attend a political lecture on campus and therefore it will promote intellectual debate on campus."

Murtha, Iraq & the military
Guest: Brian Bennett, Time Magazine

If you still don't believe the press is biased left here is the absolute proof. Democratic Senator Joseph Lieberman goes to Iraq and says things are going well there. Few media pick up the story. Democratic Congressman Jack Murtha goes to Iraq and says it's a disaster. Page one, lead story, all over the place. In a speech this week Murtha said the U.S. military is broken. Brian Bennett, a Time Magazine correspondent, just back from Iraq, took issue with Murtha's statement. "Saying the U.S. military is broken is definitely an overstatement. I talked to some troops on the ground; I didn't see any real morale problems. I think what Murtha's getting at, in sort of a ham-fisted way, is that there's definitely evidence that in certain cases in the last two and a half years the military is overstretched." The Factor agreed that morale was still intact. "I think for our fighting people in the field, from what I can gather from our Fox News military analysts, morale is good, reenlistment is good, they're very effective in what they do, there is no problem, fundamentally, with the U.S. military in Iraq."

Minors and privacy rights
Guest: Fox News chief judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano

17-year-old Charlene Nguon is suing the Garden Grove School District in California, claiming it violated her privacy by informing her mother she is a lesbian. School officials say Charlene was acting inappropriately with a girlfriend on campus and alerted her mother about the situation after the school suspended Charlene. The ACLU of course is assisting in the lawsuit, which is now in federal court. Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano explained the case. "She admits she was making out with her girlfriend in a hallway of the school. She complains that the school told her parents she is lesbian, her parents didn't know it. And the judge is allowing her to sue the school for the psychological harm to herself. I say she outed herself by her demonstrable behavior in the hallways." The Factor wanted to know if the school could prohibit any sexual display in the school. "Do school officials have a right to tell gays, straights, whatever you are, you can't have sexual contact in the school? Do they have a right to do that?" To which the judge replied, "Absolutely."

Slight bounce for Pres. Bush
Guest: Fox News contributor Dick Morris

President Bush is up a bit in the latest Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll. 42% of Americans now approve of the President's performance, up from 36% three weeks ago. 48% disapprove, down from 53%. Political analyst Dick Morris explained the increase. "The turf between 36 and 42 isn't hard to makeup. He's recapturing his base, he's getting a higher percentage of Republicans and doing a little better among independents, but nothing big. I think it's the border; he's done a big deal on the border lately. I think it's gas prices. I think it's good news about the economy. And I think in a strange way he's beginning to do better in the argument on Iraq." The Factor wondered why, while Bush has been panned in the press of late, Hillary Clinton still gets off so easy. "In thirty years of doing this kind of work, I have never seen a politician treated better by the American media than Hillary Clinton."

Crime story updates
Guest: Geraldo Rivera

Geraldo Rivera joined the Factor to discuss two recent crimes against women. The Factor wondered about the recent murder of Catherine Woods. "I thought there was going to be an arrest in this Catherine Woods case. She is the 21-year old Ohio woman who had her throat cut in a fairly affluent apartment building here in New York City." Geraldo brought us up to speed. "Paul Cortez, her boyfriend and would-be rock star, called Catherine seven times frantically in the half-hour prior to her murder. He told the cops he called her from his apartment more then a mile away. But they can track those cell phone calls, and the cell tower records indicate Cortez was allegedly making those rapid fire calls to Catherine Woods right from the corner of her own apartment. I'm betting Cortez is the guy." The Factor moved on to the Natalee Holloway case. "We don't cover this thing very much, but now I understand there are dueling tapes. There's a tape that appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, I understand, and the Aruban police have a tape. Are the Aruban police accusing Dr. Phil of doing something untoward?" Geraldo said Dr. Phil's tape might have been doctored. "The Chief Investigator told me last week that the Arubans have the original tape, the FBI has a copy, and Dr. Phil's tape has been altered."

Jackie Mason & Christmas
Guest: Jackie Mason

As we told you in the Talking Points Memo the pro-Christmas forces in America are winning the fight this year as more and more retail stores are using 'Merry Christmas' in advertising and the 'happy holiday' crowd is on the run. And now comedian Jackie Mason has joined the Christmas team so it could be all over for the secularists. "This just started happening the last year or two, and it's a form of insanity. These people represent nobody. The people who are against the word Christmas don't represent any Jew in the world. You would have to have a CIA man follow Jews around for the next nine years to find one that's against the words "Merry Christmas. It doesn't disturb a Jew." The Factor agreed. "I get a few letters from Jewish people who are, but I agree with you, overwhelmingly Jewish Americans like the season."

Viewers sound off
Factor Words of the Day
Many viewers reacted to the segment on the press actually hurting America's war on terror.

Steve Lachman, La Quinta, CA: "Hey, Bill, a terrorist could blow up the New York Times building and the headline would read: 'Times Bears Brunt of Bush Foreign Policy.'"

Cliff Friedman, Almaty, Kazakhstan: "Bill, tell the whole story. You criticize the media for pinpointing CIA flights in Europe, but you fail to mention the flights were taking prisoners to be tortured."

Catherine Murphy, New Port Richey, FL: "Bill, you talk about the Times printing information the enemy would like to know. As far as I'm concerned, The New York Times is the enemy."

Viewers also weighed in on the Factor discussion with Ann Coulter

David Gray, Las Vegas, NV: "The fact that the smear websites are after Ann Coulter just demonstrates the old adage: 'If you live by the sword ...'"

Gary Stebnitz, Madison, WI: "Bill, for you to compare Cindy Sheehan to Ann Coulter goes beyond poor taste. Cindy lost a son in Iraq."

Mike Smith, University of Pittsburgh: "I was disgusted to hear that some college students are giving Ann Coulter a hard time. I don't agree with her but that kind of thing should never happen."