Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham Discuss Electiongate & the "Not Political" House Intelligence Memo
By: StaffFebruary 5, 2018
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Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham Discuss the "Not Political" House Intelligence Memo

Laura and Bill’s Interview

Bill was on Laura Ingraham’s radio show today talking about the GOP memo that was released last week. Bill wants everyone to know that we are taking a different approach to the memo and we’re branding it, Electiongate. The entire thing is about Hillary Clinton getting into a favorable position and Donald Trump into an unfavorable position. That’s ground zero. 

However, the importance of the memo that was released last week was not political at all, and that’s what people on TV are missing. This has become a criminal situation and there are four people at the center of the conversation, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and Lisa Page. These four people are in the zone where a criminal prosecutor may be able to bring criminal charges against them. 

Laura says at the very least, there’s an omission of fact, it seems like the DOJ has amnesia of when they knew that Hillary Clinton and the DNC funded this operation. 

Bill says that the problem is that the FBI went in and did not disclose the political ramifications of this “dossier”. The FBI knew that this “dossier” was untrue and they knew it was given to them by a person who hated Trump.  

Surely, the President of the United States should put out his own memo and say that we now believe that there was a fraud on the federal court, there were wiretap violations and a whole list of other things, but they have to be specific about what they believe happened. 

Bill says that he believes that our governmental system is corrupt now. He says that he believes that the there is enough information, on the record, that the FBI is corrupt and the DOJ including Loretta Lynch knew about what was going on and did nothing about it. 

Bill ends the interview saying that the White House has got to stop tweeting and start issuing their own memos in a very cogent and clear way. Here’s the problem, nobody else will do this, you have a weak attorney general and you have a press that doesn’t care about what happened. 

What is going on right now is so serious, you have the head of the FBI and the deputy director committing crimes while they’re in charge of the national agency that’s supposed to be fighting corruption.

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