Bill O'Reilly: A Pushback on Class Warfare
By: StaffSeptember 29, 2011
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By Bill O'Reilly

It's now clear that President Obama's re-election strategy hinges on convincing working Americans that he is looking out for them and that the Republicans don't care about regular folks. That will be the central theme of Mr. Obama's campaign.

But the strategy is already teeing off some Americans, even folks who supported President Obama in the past. For example, a man named Ted Leonsis, former vice chairman of America Online and present owner of the Washington Wizards basketball team, was a big Obama supporter. Now, however, he's fed up with the class warfare deal.

Writing on his website, Mr. Leonsis says: "I voted for our president. I have maxed out on personal donations to his re-election campaign. I forgot his campaign wants to raise $1 billion. THAT is a lot of money. It blows my mind when I am asked for money as a donation at the same time I am getting blasted as being a bad guy! Someone needs to talk our president down off of this rhetoric about good vs. evil, about two classes and math. Our country was founded on the premise of 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' Is anyone happy right now with all of this?"

As we reported Tuesday night, the only way President Obama can get re-elected is to put together a coalition of the willing, with apologies to George W. Bush. That is special interest groups that will support Mr. Obama because he promises them rewards.

Alan Colmes says these groups are not special interest; they represent the majority of Americans. But "Talking Points" disagrees. If you are speaking to Hispanic-Americans telling them you're going to push immigration, then you go over to the Congressional Black Caucus and tell them you're going to target jobs for African-Americans, and then you go to the unions telling them you're going to pass legislation that "shares the wealth," that's special interest pandering, is it not?

Everyone expects the campaign of 2012, obviously already underway, to be one of the dirtiest in the nation's history. When you pit one American against another, rich against poor, union against taxpayer, you're going to get nasty stuff; there's going to be malice in the air.

America is already a nation divided between secular progressives and traditionalists. Now our incomes are going to separate us even further. Not a good scenario in the land of the free.

And that's "The Memo."

Pinheads & Patriots

Ninety-two-year-old Andy Rooney is finally hanging it up. Over the years, Mr. Rooney and I have had an interesting back-and-forth relationship. He despises me. I like him. He's a great writer and a world-class curmudgeon, not a bad thing when political correctness has run amok. So Mr. Rooney is a patriot, even though he believes I am a pinhead.

— You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Wed, 09/28/2011
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor