Bill O'Reilly: Pinheads on Parade
By: StaffApril 8, 2011
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By Bill O'Reilly

We continue to believe that some kind of deal will be struck to keep the federal government running, but it might shut down Friday. That's because Republicans and Democrats can't agree on a budget.

A New Wall Street Journal poll says 37 percent of Americans blame the Republicans for the situation; 20 percent blame the Democrats; 20 percent blame the president; and 2 percent blame Democrats and the president. Total it all up: 37 percent think the GOP is at fault; 42 percent think the Democrats are.

The Democrats had a majority in both houses of Congress last fall and could have passed a budget then. But they did not want to run last November as a big spending party, which they are.

What I can't understand is why this is so hard. Every elected official should understand that huge spending cuts must take place or the USA's days as an economic power are numbered. You simply cannot sustain a $14 trillion debt any longer.

Once both parties get onboard the good ship spending cuts, then reasonable people can compromise on what must go. But they can't even get to that point, as the Democrats are rejecting deep cuts.

As long as the mail is delivered -- and it will be no matter what happens -- "Talking Points is fine. I mean, a shutdown is not a good thing, but assistance checks will go out and the military will continue to defend us, so there's that.

But Americans deserve better from Washington, do we not?

These people in both parties have to begin looking out for the vast majority of the people and keep their ideology in the closet. To hear a Nancy Pelosi wail that senior citizens will starve, to hear a Chuck Schumer lamenting that NPR will no longer ride the gravy chain is demoralizing. All optional programs have to be trimmed and nobody will starve.

Both parties got us into this debt debacle, and both parties should be trying to get us out. But at this point, only the Republicans have received the memo.

And that's my "Memo."

Pinheads & Patriots

The actress Eva Longoria showed up on "Letterman" Wednesday night.



EVA LONGORIA, ACTRESS: I wore a tuxedo for you.

LETTERMAN: I guess you did, or part of one. Wow. But, ahh, um, oh lord.

LONGORIA: My button. Sorry.

LETTERMAN: Cilantro is Chinese -- oh, Lord.

LONGORIA: You didn't see anything.

LETTERMAN: We're going to lose our liquor license. I know it.


That's a good line by Letterman. So for the entire presentation, is Ms. Longoria a pinhead or a patriot? Please vote on

Wednesday night we showed you Star Jones hammering her former "View" co-host Joy Behar.


STAR JONES, FORMER CO-HOST, "THE VIEW": Since the day I walked out of the show, you didn't call, you didn't write. They cracked my chest. You didn't send a flower.

JOY BEHAR, HOST, "THE JOY BEHAR SHOW": I didn't know that until today. I don't know where -- I don't know why I did not. I swear to you. Do you believe me? I don't lie. You know I don't lie.

JONES: No, you don't.


Eighty-three percent of you think Ms. Jones is a patriot for confronting Ms Behar; 17 percent say she is a pinhead.

— You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Pinheads & Patriots" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the Fox News Channel and any time on Send your comments to:

Transcript Date: 
Thu, 04/07/2011
Transcript Show Name: 
O'Reilly Factor